Health tips for Your Twenties
Live a healthy life by eating well, exercisingregularly, avoiding toxic substances like tobacco or alcohol, and getting enough sleep. During your twenties it is also important to protect your skin and eyes, avoid tanning and practice good hygiene. This is also the point in life when you begin to become independent so you should find a primary care provider and start building an independent life. -
Routine Health Care for Your Twenties
Have a medical check up every two years to make sure your body is healthy. Women should get a gynecological exam, breat exam and Pap test ever two to three years as well to make sure you're healthy. Men should get clinical testicular health exams as recommended by a doctor and perform regular self exams. Have all recommended immunizations to prevent infection and see a dermatomolgist to check for skin cancer or other skin related conditions. -
Special Topics of Concern for Your Twenties
During your twenties there are several areas of concern these are: Accidental injury, sexual health, and mental health. Take steps to reduce anxiety and stress to ease some of these problems. Many twenty year olds find themselves depressed. If you see symptoms, get help. -
Health Tips for Your Thirties
In your thirites you are truely living your own life and it is important to strike a good balance between the needs or our body, mind and spirit. Like your twenties it is important to exersice regularly (30-60 minutes a day), get enough sleep and maintain a healthy weight through good diet since eing overweight can increase risk for disease. In your thirites you should reduce stress and moniter your BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol levels to keep track of your health. -
Routine Healthcare for Your Thirties
You should keep up your healthcare practices from your twenties but should add in a dental exam and cleaning every 6-12 months, an eye exam and vision screening every 1-2 years. As well as a hearing test, cholesterol screening and skin cancer screening as recommended by your doctor. -
Special Topics of Concern for Your Thirties
In your thirties you should continue to take care of your sexual, reproductive and mental health but you should give new focus to skin care, care for back pain and building muscle. You should try to use sunscreen and daily moistureizer as well as taking steps to prevent back pain. Building muscle becomes important since in your thirites your body begns to replace muscle with fat and this can lead to later health problems. -
Health Tips for Your Forties
In your forties you must put precedent on preventing health problems like diabetes, heart disease and cancer so healthy habits talked about in other decades must start now. In your forties safety also becomes a higher priotity, so use common sense and pay attention to rules. In your forties you should also exam your family health history if you have not already since it could help you prevent health risks. -
Routine Healthcare for Your Forties
It is important to keep up the healthcare routines established in your twenties and thirites but in your fourties some of these practices should occur more frequently, like eye exams, blood pressure screening and cholesterol screenings. In additions to all these check ups it is time to get a diabetes screenig, baseline skin exam, baseline EKG and colorectal scancer screening. Like always your should keep up with your immunizations. -
Special Topics of Concern for Your Forties
In your forties your body starts to deterioate so it is important to monitor and prevent chronic pain, and reduce stress. During your forties you should also be on the look out for diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis as well as indicators of poor heart health that could lead to heart attack or stroke. Good healthcare routines can catch signs of these problems and help you stop them. -
Health Tips for Your Fifties
In your fifities you should keep up your healthy lifestyle practices you have been practicing in other decades but not more than ever it is important to maintain a healthy weight since your metabolism is slowing down and women will go though menopause which can cause weight gain. During this decade it is vital to challange your mind as well as your body so that you prevent your brain from deteriorating. -
Routine Healthcare for Your Fifties
In your fifties you should keep up the healthcare regime started in earlier decades. A notable difference in this decade is the need to create a good doctor patient relationship so that you can feel comfortable with your doctor and they know your pertinent information. In addition to your multitude of exams you should keep up a healthy lifestyle and asses you risk for later health problems. -
Special Topics of Concern for Your Fifties
In your fiftire you begin to have serious health conditions, these are anxiety, cancer, changes in visions, chronic pain, depression, digestive issues, erectile dysfuction, hair loss, hearing loss, heart disease, abnormal blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, menopause, osteoporosis, overactive bladder, prostate issues, skin problems, thyroid problems and urinary incontinence. -
Health Tips for Your Sixties
In your sixites your ages has a negative effect on your health so it is important to make all the other parts of your life fight your age. Make sure to talk to your doctor about any changes you see in yuor body and that you moniter your cognitive well being/fuction. During this decade you should learn all the signs for things like heart attack or stroke so you are prepared. You should also take care to protect your heart since this is the time when many people experience heart trouble. -
Routine Healthcare for Your Sixties
Your sixites are a time of vigilance so increasing the freguency of test you have is a good idea as well as adding bone density tests, colonoscopies, PSA tests, shigles, testicular exam, tetnaus shot, thyroid test, pneumonia vaccine, rectal exam and fecal occult. Increasing frequecies and number of the tests you take is important since your body is at risk for more illness. -
Special Topics of Concern for Your Sixties
The biggest concerns in your sixites are declining physical and mental fuction as well as increasing dependence on others.