Lifetime Personal Health

  • Period: to


  • 20's.

    Healthy Eating: A balanced diet high in protein, fruits, and vegetables. Physical Activity: Exercise regularly -- play sports of interest, go jogging, take a swim, etc. Preventative Care: Use sunscreen and don't tan! Practice sound hygiene, brushing teeth, showering, washing hands. DON'T SMOKE OR DRINK. Lastly, find a good doctor who you trust. Visit regularly for blood pressure checks and testicular examinations or breast examinations. Special Concerns: Attend to mental health and career.
  • 30's

    Healthy Eating: A balanced diet high in protein, fruits, and vegetables. Metabolism slows down, so take extra caution. Physical Activity: Exercise regularly -- play sports of interest, go jogging, take a swim, etc. 30 to 60 minutes a day is ideal. Preventative Care: Make sure to sleep 8 hours a night. Continue to abstain from smoking and drinking (although a glass of wine or two is fine). Listen to your doctor and take all recommended precautionary screenings, particularly for cholesterol.
  • 40's

    You're getting old, only if you think it! Continue to eat well, exercise regularly, and avoid bad habits. You may notice chronic pain like arthritis and back pain: be careful to avoid prescription pain killers. Continue to apply sunscreen daily. Men: you may begin to experience testosterone drops, don't worry, this is natural. Women: menopause often begins. It is imperative that men and women take testicular and breast exams annually. Cancer can be stopped if it is identified early.
  • 50's

    Wow! You made it! Exercise 30-60 minutes a day; and make sure you work your brain out, too. Continue to be conscientious with your diet. Sleep well and reduce your stress, which proves to be detrimental to health especially in older age. You are besieged by threats! Cancer, ED, Heart Disease, Diabetes, OAB.... the list goes on. Make sure to visit your doctor regularly, and undergo the all the important screenings.
  • 60's

    Ahhh... the golden years! If you did it right the past 50, that is! It is now the time when exercise is most important. Your heart needs the comfort of not having to support a hundred extra pounds -- so keep off the weight. Sleep well, despite bladder difficulties and back issues. If you're at the country club, only one scotch, not five! Your home has to adapt to your age. Have stair-rails and fire alarms ready. Enjoy your grandchildren and the golf/garden fun. You earned it!