Weight 6-8lbs
Period: to
Pulse: 90 - 180 bpm
Respirations: 30 - 60 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 50 - 700 mm Hg
Temp: 98 - 100 degrees -
Weight 30 grams/day
Nose Breathing
Moro Reflex, Rooting Reflex, Suckling Reflex, Palmar Grasp
Communication through crying
Bonding Begins
Leads to secure attachment if caregiver is responsive
Leads to anxious-avoidant attachment if repeatedly rejected -
Period: to
Pulse: 100 - 160 bpm
Respirations: 25 - 50 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 70 - 95 mm Hg
Temp: 98.6 - 99.6 degrees -
Posterior Fontanelles Fuse
Anerior Fontanelle Fuses
Separation Anxiety
Neuromuscular Growth
Learn to use full nervous system through play and excercise -
Period: to
Pulse: 90 - 150 bpm
Respirations: 20 - 30 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 80 - 100 mm Hg
Temp: 96.8 - 99.6 degrees -
Trust/Mistrust Development
Lungs Continue to Develope
Loss of Passive Immunity
Understanding of Cause and effect
Potty Training Completed
Begin interaction with peers (playing)
Transition from need based language use to creative language use
Recognition of Sexual Differences through observation of role models
Period: to
Pulse: 80 - 140 bpm
Respirations: 20 - 25 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 80 - 100 mm Hg
Temp: 98.6 degrees -
Mastery of Basic Language
Brain at 90% adult weight
Increased muscle mass and bone density
Grow 4lbs, 2.5" / year
Period: to
School Age
Pulse: 70 - 120 bpm
Respirations: 15 - 20 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 80 - 110 mm Hg
Temp: 98.6 degrees -
Increased brain function in both hemispheres
Permanent Teeth begin to emerge
Self-concept and Sel-esteem begin to develope
Development of preconventional/conventional/postconventional reasoning
Self-consciousness arises
2-3 year growth spurt begins
Secondary Sexual Development Begins
endocrine and reproductive systems mature -
Conflict arises as need for independency increases
Period: to
Pulse: 60 - 100 bpm
Respirations: 12 - 20 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 90 - 110 mm Hg
Temp: 98.6 degrees -
Anti-social behavior peaks
Girl Growthspurt Ends
Drug/Alchohol use likely begins
Boy Growthspurt ends
Muscle mass/bone density almost to adult levels
Lifelong Habits solidified
relfexes, and muscle growth slow
Disks in spine settle
Ability to eat without gaining weight tapers off
Period: to
Early Adult
Pulse: 60 - 100 bpm
Respirations: 12 - 20 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 90 - 140 mm Hg
Temp: 98.6 degrees -
Body functions at optimal level
Work, stress, and family are the key points at this time
Need to settle down develops
Vulnerability to vision and hearing loss
Cancer risk increases
Underlying Health Problems become evident
hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, weight problems, etc -
Period: to
Middle Adult
Pulse: 60 - 100 bpm
Respirations: 12 - 20 breaths/min
Blood Pressure: 90 - 140 mm Hg
Temp: 98.6 degrees -
Midlife Crisis/Empty Nest Syndrome
Focus on achieving life's goals
Digestive System Diminishes
nutritional intake diminshes
tastebuds lose sensitivity
saliva secretion decreases
loss of chewing ability
intestinal contraction ability reduced
incontinence -
Period: to
Late Adult
Vitals Depend on Health -
Vitals Entirely Dependent on overall health
The Heart Gets Weaker
everything starts shutting down/wearing out -
Respitory System Deminishes
Airway size increases
Alveoli surface area decreases
Decreases cough and gag reflex
Decreased ability to clear secreases
Decreased upper airway function -
Endocrine System Diminishes
Insulin Production drops
metabolism decreases
rigidity of the penis decreases
hormone production decreases
secual desire still present -
Renal System Decreases
Kidney function declines
Filtration drops by 50%
Nephron count drops -
Nervous System Decreases
Brain weight decreases 10-20%
motor and sensory ability decline
Loss of neurons results in changing sleep patterns
more susceptible to head trauma
kinesthetic sense decreased
reflexes slow and environmental awareness is reduced -
Money problems become most prominent concern
Sensory Changes
Vision and hearing can be reduced
Eye muscles lose motion
visual distortions common
close-focus diminished
perepheral vision diminshed -
Face their own mortality as friends and loved ones die
Increasingly dependent on their loved ones for support, be it emotional/physical/ or financial
If needs are met, capable of maintiaining a productive and happy lifestyle
Cardiac function declines
Largely related to atherosclerosis -
Terminal-Drop Hypothesis
Five years before death, brain function presumed to decline