I was born at 8 a.m. in the morning on Christmas Day. My mother had a C-section. I was a healthy baby. -
Biosocial First Two Years
I was walking at 9 months. -
Cognitive First To Years
At 2 years old I was talking. -
Psychosocial First Two Years
I developed a very strong attachment and bond to my grandmother because she took care of me Monday-Friday while my parents were at work. I spent the night at her house many nights when my parents got home late. -
Biosocial The Play Years
I was five years old. My first day of private school in Dearborn, Michigan. I could read before entering kindergarden. I was still being watched by my grandmother. In kingergarden, I painted, drew, and played with other children. My dad also taught me how to ride a bike. I also played with other children in my neighborhood. -
Cognitive The Play Years
I already knew my abc's before entering kindergarden. I learned many things such as songs, games, and pronunciation of the primary sound for each consonant. I also learned number names and the count sequence. I loved learning new things and being in school. -
Psychosocial The Play Years
Because I was born on Christmas Day, I would have birthday parties at both of my parent's families houses. They would always be large family gatherings. -
Psychosocial The School Years
My baby sister, Kristen, was born. I was no longer the only child. -
Cognitive The School Years
My first day of 2nd grade at a public school in Commerce Twp., Michigan. I was placed on a waiting list for the private school. I was not able to add or subtract two numbers such as 45 minus 33. I struggled with math from an early age. -
Biosocial The School Years
My first day of 3rd grade at a private Catholic school in Commerce Twp., Michigan. I loved gym, art, reading, and writing. -
Cognitive The School Years
I began reading at a very early age, therefore, my reading skills were above average by the time I reached 8 years old. My scores in reading and English-related subjects were always my personal highest on standardized tests and academics. -
Psychosocial Adolescence
I started having an interest in boys. I wanted to have a boyfriend. -
Biosocial Adolescence
From 2003-2008 I was very involved in dance and competed on a national level for a couple of years. I went to Las Vegas to compete in a national dance competition. -
Cognitive Adolescence
I started High School at the Academy of the Sacred Heart and then transferred to Mercy High School. I graduated from Mercy High School in Farmington Hills, MI in 2010. -
Psychosocial Adolescence
I was very depressed for a good portion of my high school years because of my social anxiety and shyness. I did not like public speaking. I was in therapy and started anti-depressants. I had many mild panic attacks. -
Cognitive Adolescence
Graduated from High School. -
Cognitive Adulthood
I began attending DePaul University in Chicago, IL. I pursued a B.A. in Political Science and Women's and Gender Studies. I graduated in June 2014. I was immersed in a new way of thinking and learning. I excelled in college and for a while I thought I wanted to attend law school. I had to do a lot of cognitive thinking to weigh my options about what I wanted to do after college. -
Psychosocial Adulthood
I started to feel depressed and anxious again after being off anti-depressants after I took them for a year in high school. I saw a psychologist at DePaul University and went back on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. I was diagnosed with social anxiety. -
Psychosocial Adulthood
I travelled abroad many places around the world such as Morocco, Vietnam, and all over Europe. I developed a passion for travelling and yoga. I did many internships and jovs in Chicago such as AmeriCorps and interning at Senator Mark Kirk's office. I joined a sorority, but dropped after two years. My 2nd year of college I took many Women's Studies classes which sparked my interest in Women's and Gender Studies. I considered myself a feminist. -
Biosocial Adulthood
I was diagnosed with asthma. I began to take an inhaler regularly so I could enjoy activities such as yoga, weight training, and excerise. -
Cognitive Adulthood
I decided to have a gap year before I pursed my Psy.D in Chicago. I was accepted to do a City Year Program in D.C. I also had to weigh my options again and reevaluate what I wanted to do. I moved back to Michigan in August 2014 and left on October 22nd, 2014 to teach English in China. I decided that because my passion and urge to travel was so strong, I should follow my heart and travel while I'm still young. -
Cognitive Adulthood
Graduate with my Psy.D degree. Take the licensing exam. Practice psychology in a hospital or prison. -
Psychosocial Adulthood
Hopefully get married and start a family in Chicago. -
Biosocial Adulthood
Open up my own pyschology practice. -
Biosocial Adulthood
Travel with my husband (and kids) to different countries. Hopefully have another money that my husband and I can take trips alone as well. -
Biosocial Adulthood
I will be in my 50's. Hopefully I will still be practicing psychology and doing the things I love to do such as traveling, yoga, and taking care of animals. -
Psychosocial Late Adulthood
I will be in my 60's. I will most likely retire from my work in the psychology field. I will want to move to a different country such as Spain or Italy and enjoy my late adulthood. -
Cognitive Late Adulthood
I will be in my 70's. I move back to the U.S. I am still in good health and try to excerise as much as I can. I also excerise my brain by solving puzzles and reading. I watch my grandkids on a daily basis and am still doing the things I love despite my age. -
Biosocial Late Adulthood
My eye site is decreasing and I have develoepd arthritis. -
My husband dies and I die shortly after. I die of natural causes because I have been a very healthy person all my life.