Neonate (0-1 month) Pulse Rate: 90-180 beats/min Respirations: 30-60 breaths/min Systolic Blood Pressure: 50-70 mm Hg Temperature: 98-100
Pulse Rate: 90-180 beats/min
Respirations: 30-60 breaths/min
Systolic Blood Pressure: 50-70 mm Hg
Temperature: 98-100 -
Neonate (0-1 month) Respirations: 30-60 breaths/min
Neonate (0-1 month) Systolic Blood Pressure: 50-70 mm Hg
Neonate (0-1 month) Temperature: 98-100
Neonate usually weighs 6-8 lbs at birth
Rooting reflex in neonate when touching the cheek
Neonates fontsnelles allow head to be molded
Infant (1 month - 1 year) Resperations: 25-50
Infant (1 month - 1 year) Systolic Pressure: 70-95 mm Hg
Infants grow at a rate 30 grams per day
Infant (1 month - 1 year) Pulse Rate: 100-160
Infant (1 month - 1 year) Temperature: 96.8-100
Infant-2 months: can recognize familiar faces; able to track objects w/eyes
Infant-3 months: can bring objects to mouth; can smile and frown
Infant-4 months: reaches out to people; drools
Infant-5 months: sleeps through the night; can tell family from strangers
Infant-6 months: teething begins, sits upright in a chair; one-syllable words spoken
Infant-7 months: afraid of strangers; mood swings
Infant-8 months: responds to "no"; can sit alone; plays peek-a-boo
Infant-9 months: pulls himself or herself up; places objects in mouth to explore
Infant-10 months: responds to his or her name; crawls efficiently
Infant-11 months: starts to walk w/o help; frustrated w/restrictions
Infant-12 months: knows his or her name; can walk
Bonding, secure attachment, trust & mistrust, anxious avoidment attachement
Anterior fontanelles fuses between 9-18 months
Toddler ( 1-3 yrs) Pulse Rate: 90-150
Toddler ( 1-3 yrs) Respirations: 20-30
Toddler ( 1-3 yrs) Systolic Blood Pressure: 80-100
Toddler ( 1-3 yrs) Temperature: 96.8-99.6
Develop more terminal bronchiolees and alveoli
Loss of passive immunity "colds" happen
Seperation anxiety 10-18 months of age
Basic language is mastered
Understand cause and effect 18-24 months
Preschool age(3-6 yrs) Pulse Rate: 80-140
Preschool age(3-6 yrs) Respirations: 20-25
Preschool age(3-6 yrs) Systolic Blood Pressure: 80-100
Preschool age(3-6 yrs) Temperature: 98.6
Brain weighs 90% of final adult weight
Walking, running, jumping and playing catch
Sensory development
School age (6-12 yrs) Respirations: 15-20
School age (6-12 yrs) Pulse Rate: 70-120
School age (6-12 yrs) Systolic Blood Pressure: 80-110
School age (6-12 yrs) Temperature: 98.6
Brain activity increase in both hemispheres; permanent teeth come in
Preconventional reasoning, conventional reasoning, postconventional reasoning
Adolescent (12-18 yrs) Pulse Rate: 60-100
Adolescent (12-18 yrs) Respirations: 12-20
Adolescent (12-18 yrs) Systolic Blood Pressure: 90-110
Adolescent (12-18 yrs) Temperature: 98.6
2-3 year growth spurt
Maturation of the human reproductive system
Trying to find own identity; rebellion, high-risk behaviors, independence
High risk for suicide and depression
Early Adult (19-40 yrs) Systolic Blood Pressure: 90-140
Early Adult (19-40 yrs) Temperature: 98.6
Early Adult (19-40 yrs) Pulse Rate: 60-100
Early Adult (19-40 yrs) Respirations: 12-20
Peak efficiency but as adulthood continues subtle erosion begins
Body functioning at optimsl level; disks in spine begin to settle
Fatty tissue increases; muscle strength decreases
Work, family, and stress
Middle Adult (41-60 yrs) Pulse Rate: 60-100
Middle Adult (41-60 yrs) Respirations: 12-20
Middle Adult (41-60 yrs) Systolic Blood Pressure: 90-140
Middle Adult (41-60 yrs) Temperature: 98.6
Vision and hearing loss; cancer
Increase cholesterol levels, decrease efficiency of heart, problems w/weight control
"Empty nest" syndrome; achieving life goals
Late Adult (61-older) Pulse Rate: depends on health
Late Adult (61-older) Respiration: depends on health
Late Adult (61-older) Systolic Blood Pressure: depends on health
Late Adult (61-older) Temperature: 98.6
Two factors on how long somone lives - year born and country they live in
Terminal drop hypothesis
A lot of problems w/respiratory, endocrine, digestive, renel, nervous systems