
Lifespan Development

  • Weighs 6-8 lbs

  • Period: to


    Pulse: 90-180
    Respirtation: 30-60
    Blood Pressure: 50-70
    temp: 98-100
  • Period: to

    Lose 5-10% of weight

  • Period: to

    Prone to Nasal Congestion

  • Period: to

    Trust and mistrust

  • Period: to


    Pulse: 100-160
    Respiration: 25-50
    Blood Pressure: 70-95
  • Able to track objects with eyes

  • Can bring objects to mouth: smile, and frown

    3 months
  • Reaches out for people. Drools

    4 months
  • Sleeps through the night; can tell family from strangers

    5 months
  • teething, sits upright, one-syllable words

    6 months
  • Afraid of strangers. mood swings.

    7 months
  • responds to "no". can sit alone. peek-a-boo

    8 months
  • Pulls self up. Places objects in mouth

    9 months
  • Period: to

    Anterior Fontanelle Fuses

    9-18 months
  • Responds to name. crawls

    10 months
  • Period: to

    Seperation Anxiety

    10-18 months
  • Starts to walk without help. Frustrated with restrictions

    11 months
  • Walking with assistance. Knows own name.

  • knows names; can walk

    12 months
  • Period: to


    Pulse: 90-150
    Respiration: 20-30
    Blood Pressure: 80-100
    Temp: 96.8-99.6
  • Period: to

    Bladder Control

    12-15 months
  • Period: to

    Ready to potty train

    18-30 months
  • Period: to

    Understand cause and effect

  • Average age for potty training

    28 months
  • Language is Mastered

    36 months
  • Period: to


    Pulse: 80-140
    Respiration: 20-25
    Blood Pressure: 80-100
    Temp: 98.6
  • Period: to

    Use and Understand full sentences

  • Period: to

    School Age

    Pulse: 70-120
    Respiration: 15-20
    Blood Pressure: 80-110
    Temp: 98.6
    Preconventions, conventional, and postconventional reasoning are developed.
  • Period: to


    Pulse: 60-100
    Respiration: 12-20
    Blood Pressure: 90-110
    Temp: 98.6 Matruation fo human reproductive system and secondary sexual development Develop concept of themselves and being to experiment with sexual relations
  • Period: to

    Growth Spurt

    lasts 2-3 years
  • Period: to

    Antisocial behavior peaks

  • Girls finish growth spurt

  • Boys finish growth spurt

  • Period: to

    Early Adult

    Pulse: 60-100
    Respiration: 12-20
    Blood Pressure: 90-140
    Temp: 98.6 work, family, stress
    Disks in spine settling can cause skrinking
  • Period: to

    Functioning at opitmal level

  • Period: to

    Renel System filtration declines 50%

    Kidney mass decrease by 50%
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Middle Adult

    Pulse: 60-100
    Respiration: 12-20
    Blood Pressure: 90-140
    Temp: 98.6 Decrease in Health - diabetes and hypertension
    Strive to reach goals
    "empty nest"
  • Period: to

    Late Adult

    Pulse: depends on health
    Respirations: depends on health
    Systolic blood pressure: depends on health
    Temp: 98.6 Fewer Blood cells
    decreased heart rate
    size of airway increases, suface of aveoli decreases
    loss of mecahnisms to protect upper airway
    inhibitted nurtitional intake
    decreased funtion of endocrine system
    change in sleep patterns- loss of nuerons
    dimish sight and hearing
    Mental function declins 5 years before death
    facing mortality
  • Period: to

    More than 65% have ahtersclerotic disease

  • vital capacity may amout to only 50%

  • Life Exectancy

  • Men are still producing sperm

    rigidity of penis decreases
  • 10%-20% of brain weight has shrunk

  • Maximun Life Expectancy