Neonate born at 7 lb's.
Pulse rate is around 120 Bpm, respiratory rate is around 25 Bp.
Systolic blood pressure is 90 mm HG. Body temp is approximately 96 Degrees F. -
Posterior Fontanelles
Posterior Fontanelles fuse together. Infant can recognize familiar faces, track objects, smile, frown, and bring objects to mouth. -
Anterior Fontanelles/ Toddler
Anterior Fontanelles fuse together. Toddler knows its name and can walk. Pulse rate goes down to between 90 and 150 Bpm while the respiratory rate lies between 25 and 30 Bpm. Systolic blood pressure is around 90 mm HG, and the average body temperature is 98.6 Degrees F. -
Brain weighs 90% of its adult weight, child has mastered base language and has bladder control. Pulse rate is an estimated 120 Bpm while respiratory rate is around 22 Bpm. Systolic blood pressure is 90 mm HG. Body temperature is an average 98.6 Degrees F. -
School Age
Childs vital signs reach close to those of adulthood. Most baby teeth are lost and permanent teeth replace them. Child develops reasoning techniques. Pulse rate is 90 Bpm, respiratory rate is 17 Bpm. Systolic blood pressure is 90 mm HG, and average body temperature remains at 98.6 Degrees F. -
Vital signs hit adult range. Growth spurt and puberty occur. Begins to create identity and develop rebellious behavior. Pulse rate is 75 Bpm and respiratory rate is 15 Bpm. Systolic blood pressure is 100 mm Hg and the average body temperature remains 98.6 Degrees F. -
Early Adult
Spine settles, muscle strength decreases, and fatty tissue increases. Begins to settle down around age 30 and starts to think about achieving life goals. Pulse Rate is 75 Bpm, respiratory rate remains around 15 Bpm. Systolic blood pressure can now range between 90 and 140 mm HG. Average body temperature does not change. -
Middle Adult
Begins to develop vision and hearing loss. Weight control becomes difficult. Preparing for retirement. Pulse rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, and body temperature remain the same from the early adult stage. -
Older Adult
Size of airway increases, size of alveoli decreases. Cardiac function declines, and the endocrine system slows down. Filtration system in Kidney's declines in efficiency by around 50%. Body begins to lost ability to process complex carbohydrates. All vital signs remain the same as the early and middle adult stages. Brain function decreases significantly around age 80. -
Age 80, retires into elderly care. Immune system weakens over time. Death will usually occur via cardiac disease.