
Lifespan Development

  • Neonate-

    prone to nasal congestion
    nose breathers
    no independent movement
    palmar grasp
    rooting reflex
    sucking reflex
    fontanelles (caution)
    if depressed fontanelles-dehydrated
    cant focus eyes or turn over
    sleep patterns begin to develop
  • Period: to

    Neonate (0-1 month)

    Pulse Rate- 90-180 beats/minute
    Respirations- 30-60 breaths/minute
    BP- 50-70 mm Hg
    Temp- 98-100 F
  • Period: to

    Infant (1 month- 1 year)

    Pulse Rate- 1000-160 beats/minute
    Respirations- 25-50 breaths/minute
    BP- 70-95 mm Hg
    Temp- 96.8-99.6 F
  • Infant-psychosocial

    Crying as communication
    trust and mistrust
    secure attatchment
    react with environment
    reaches for people
    sleeps through the night
    smile /frown
    bring objects to mouth
    mood swings
    afraid of strangers
    plays peek aboo
    responds to no
    pulls himself up
    responds to their name
    knows their name
    frustrated with restrictions
  • Infant- physical

    nose breathers
    prone to nasal congestion
    belly breathers
    large tongue
    short airway
    prone to nasal congestion
    nose breathers
    no independent movement
    palmar grasp
    rooting reflex
    sucking reflex
    fontanelles (caution)
    if depressed fontanelles-dehydrated
    see familiar faces
    track objects with eyes
    6months- can sit and make noise
    12-walk, knows their name
  • Period: to

    Toddler (1-3 years)

    Pulse Rate- 90-150 beats/minute
    Respirations- 20-30 breaths/minute
    BP- 80-100 mm Hg
    Temp- 96.8-99.6 F
  • Period: to

    Preschool age (3-6)

    Pulse Rate- 80-140 beats/minute
    Respirations- 20-25 breaths/minute
    BP- 80-100 mm Hg
    Temp- 98.6 F
  • Toddler and Preschool- physical

    not well developed lung musculature
    loss of passive immunity
    colds are common (exposure to other kids)
    neromuscular growth is rapid
    gross to fine motor activities
    muscle mass and bone density increases
    losing baby teeth
    potty training
    sensory development
  • Toddler and Preschool-psychosocial

    speak and express themselves
    separation anxiety peaks
    basic language is masteres
    interact with other kids
    play games
    understand cause and effect
    learn sexual differences
  • Period: to

    School age (6-12)

    Pulse Rate- 70-120 beats/minute
    Respirations- 15-20 breaths/minute
    BP- 80-110 mm Hg
    Temp- 98.6 F
  • School Age (6-12 years)-physical

    Vitals approach those of adulthood
    growth spurts
    adult teeth come in
    brain activity incre both hemispheres
  • School Age 6-12 psychosocial

    "growing up" stage
    pre conventional reasoning
    convetional reasoning
    postconventional reasoning
    self concept and self esteem are developed
  • Period: to

    Adolescent (12-18 years)

    Pulse Rate- 60-100 beats/minute
    Respirations- 12-20 breaths/minute
    BP- 90-110 mm Hg
    Temp- 98.6 F
  • Adolescent -physical

    vitals level off with adults
    2 to 3 year growth spurt
    girls finish by 16, boys by 18
    maturation of reproductive system
    menstruation begins
    acne-hormonal changes
  • adolescent- psychosocial

    issues of privacy
    try to gain control of their lives
    self consciousness increases
    look to others to find themselves
    want two worlds (to be an adult but cared for like a child)
    antisocial behavior
    peer pressure
    high risk behaviors peek
    eating disorders
    personal ethics
    increase in sexual relations
    high risk for suicide and depression
  • Period: to

    early adult (19-40)

    Pulse Rate- 60-100 beats/minute
    Respirations- 12-20 breaths/minute
    BP- 90-140 mm Hg
    Temp- 98.6 F
  • early adults-physical

    function is at its optimal level
    lifelong habits are solidified
    subtle erosion in body function begins
    disks in spine settle, height can be effected
    weight gain
    reflex slows
  • early adult -psychosocial

    love and child
    settle down
  • Period: to

    Middle Adult (42-60 years)

    Pulse Rate- 60-100 beats/minute
    Respirations- 12-20 breaths/minute
    BP- 90-140 mm Hg
    Temp- 98.6 F
  • middle adult-physical

    vision and hearing loss
    cardiovascular health and cancer become an issue
    medical problems
    menopause in women
    weight control
    decreas in heart efficiency
    increase in cholestorol
  • middle adult-psychosocial

    achieving ltheir life goals
    empty nest syndrome
    financial issues-retirement
    help older relatives
    crisis is a challenge to overcome
  • Period: to

    Late Adullt (61 and older)

    Pulse Rate- depends on health
    Respirations- depends on health
    BP- depends on health
    Temp- 98.6 F
  • late adults-psychosocial

    terminal drop hypothesis-5 years preceding death-brain decays
    wisdom and knowledge
    assisted living facilities
    financial issues with care
    need support
  • late adult-physical

    vital signs depend on health
    health is determined by balance of diet and excersise and behavior
    need medical advances
    decrease in heart rate and cardiac output
    blood cells are affected
    vascular system stiffens
    airway increase, lung capacity decreases-trouble breathing
    endocrine functions gradually decline
    senses change
    brain can shrink 10-20%
    hearing loss
    vision loss