Life Timespan

  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • Heart beats regularly. Eyes and ears begin to form.

    Heart beats regularly.  Eyes and ears begin to form.
    4 week old embryo. Citation: n/a
  • Heart develops right and left chambers.

    Heart develops right and left chambers.
    8 week old embryo. Citation: JHeuser. "Heart conduct explain." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. November 27, 2205. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Period: to


  • Infant begins to crawl.

    Infant begins to crawl.
    7 months old. Citation: Hildeenmikey. "Afbeelding." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. Febuary 4, 2008. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Bones are visible. Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.

    Bones are visible.  Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.
    4 to 6 month old fetus. Citation: Villarreal, Mariana. "Human arm bones diagram." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. January 3, 2007. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Fingerprints Form.

    Fingerprints Form.
    6 month old fetus. Citation: Wilfredor. "Fingerprint picture." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. Octobder 28, 2009. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.

    Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.
    6 to 9 month old fetus. Citation: Kbjohnso. "Eye." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. March 30, 2010. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Period: to


  • A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects.

    A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects.
    3 months old. Citation: martinispygirl. Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. No date. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Period: to


  • First Canada Trip

    First Canada Trip
    I went to Canada for the first time in July 21st-26th of 2002 when I was 3. My grandpa, my dad, my brother and I stayed in a tent in Ontario. We went fishing, but my mom and grandma stayed home. We also ate tons of blueberries and my brother had a fever for a day.
  • Moving to Raleigh

    Moving to Raleigh
    I moved to Raleigh, North Carolina from Johnston County, NC on June 14, 2006. It was really rainy and the car drive was a long one. I had to sit in the back seat with an orange crate that had my toys in it. When I moved to Raleigh I started second grade in Combs elementary, but before that I went to Polenta elementary. I didn’t like my old neighborhood very much because I was the only girl living there and I only had one friend (the other boys were mean to me and bad influences).
  • Third-Fourth Grade

    Third-Fourth Grade
    I started third grade in about August 2007 when I was 9. My favorite teacher is Mr. Charland, who was my third and fourth grade teacher. He was really nice. :D He let me play with his iPhone, gave me lots of stickers and candy, played music and games, and was just totally awesome. I left fourth grade in June 2010 but I still wanted him to be my teacher. Citation: Online Image. A. B. Combs Elementry. No date. Febuary 17, 2012
  • Ovulation in females, and sperm production in males begin.

    Ovulation in females, and sperm production in males begin.
    Ages 9 to 15. Citation: n/a
  • Period: to


  • Disney World

    Disney World
    I went to Disney World, Florida in the summer of 2009 (June 15th-17th) when I was 10. I went to lots of different places in Disney World, went on lots of rides, ate lots of candy and had a lot of fun. We visited Disney’s Animal Kingdom the first day, then Magic Kingdom and then Epcot. I liked all of them so much I don’t have a favorite. In the animal kingdom, I went on this ride called Expedition Everest, which was my first roller coaster.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started middle school in late July 2010 when I was 11. It was important to start middle school because I changed a lot and learned a lot too. I picked up lots of new hobbies and interests, like music, bentos, Facebook, and Japanese fashion. I’m still in middle school and I’m still learning and changing. I’ll get out of middle school in May 2013. Citation: Seiya235. "Umbrella Girl - Gothic Lolita fashion." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. Febuary 18, 2007. Febuary 17, 2012 http://commons
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • Aging begins. Skin starts to become wrinkled.

    Aging begins.  Skin starts to become wrinkled.
    Age 30. Citation: n/a
  • Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly.

    Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly.
    Age 45 to 60. Citation: Livens, Jan. "Old Man, Lievens." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. March 30, 2010. Febuary 17, 2012,_Lievens.jpg