Newly Married Stage
-Get used to their spouses lifestyle
-Realignment of realaionships with extended family to include spouse
-Learn ways of marriage and good communication skills -
Parenthood Satge
-Adjusting home to make space for cildren
-taking on parental roles
-learning to share parenting roles evenly
-communicating with children -
Later Parenthood Stage
-much of family time is child centered
-parents need to let go and teens take on more responsiblity
-learn to let child live their life -
-parents continue to provide for child while they attend college
-parents learn how to make time to communicate effectively -
Empty Nest Stage
-couples have time to renew realationship
-Parents may feel lonely with children gone -
-one or both adults leave paid work force
-couples have more time to pursure hobbies
-couples have all time to spend together
-one spouse will deal with death