Life timeline

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I am now alive and a baby
  • I broke my arm

    I broke my arm
  • I am now a big brother

    I am now a big brother
  • Moved to new house

    Moved to new house
  • I have started school

    I have started school
    I am now in kindergarden
  • My other Brother is born

    My other Brother is born
  • I started Hockey

    I started Hockey
    It is my first season of hockey
  • I am In SCET

    I am In SCET
  • Accepted to IMSA

    Accepted to IMSA
  • Graduate highschool

    Graduate highschool
  • Play in the ACHA

    Play in the ACHA
  • Got Accepted into MIT

    Got Accepted into MIT
  • Graduate college

    Graduate college
  • First job

    First job
    Am now a mechanical engineer
  • Buy first house

    Buy first house
  • I got married

    I got married
  • Have first kid

    Have first kid
  • Have second kid

    Have second kid
  • Make robot that cleans ocean

    Make robot that cleans ocean
  • Buy dream car

    Buy dream car
  • Buy dream house

    Buy dream house
  • Visit Africa

    Visit Africa
  • Make Charity

    Make Charity
  • Am now grandfather

    Am now grandfather
  • First kid gets married

    First kid gets married
  • Second kid gets married

    Second kid gets married
  • Retire

  • I am 90

    I am 90