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The time I was born! Here's my birthstory: My parents and my uncle was watching a movie in our home while eating pizza, at midnight my mom's water broke, leading to them going to the hospital. They said that I was born at 3:30 ish. Funny story! My mom did not want any anestasia as she was doing c-section, mid surgery she cried and begged the doctor to put her to sleep because she was too afraid, lol -
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This is the time I was age 1-6. I vividly remember by this time we would often go to beach trips and spontaneous outings -
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By this time, I was age 6-12. Around the end of this time the pandemic happened. Nothing interesting happened. But, this was the time I was diagnosed with a skin problem and PCOS -
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I am currently on this stage of my timeline! (14 yrs old). The adolescent stage ranges from 12 to 18 years old. I still have four more years to go. From my four years of being in this stage I went through many challenges and ups and downs. I moved to another country, dealt with health problems (physically and mentally) and is still in the progress of finding out what my calling really is. But so far, so good -
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This stage ranges from 19 to 40 years old, and I am still not in this stage yet. But I see myself graduating from my dream school Yale or NYU, living in NYC as a lawyer representing SKADDEN or CRAVATH. -
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This stage ranges from 40-65. My older brother and I have talked about this stage of life so many times. By this, we hope to have successful careers and retire by the age of 55. Then he will have a cafe while I have a bakery next door -
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This ranges from 65 and above. By this time, I hope I have already achieved my top goals at the moment. Graduate from my dream schools, be a lawyer, be an advocate for the youth, help my family out, give my parents the life they deserve, and to be happy and have my own family.