Life Timeline

  • Birth

  • Infancy

    My grandparents found something with my lungs and got it checked out by the doctor basically saving my life because there was liquid in my lungs.
  • Early Childhood

    Nothing big happened during this time except my friends and loved ones became more memorable
  • Late Childhood

    I grew more distant from my family and I spent more time with friends helping my social awareness
  • Adolesnese

    I become more distant from my family but I still love them and I spend more time with people like in school and with clubs.
  • Late Adolescence

    Teens usually move off to college around this time and graduate I'll say I went to a good engineering school.
  • Early Adulthood

    Finishing up college and finding a productive engineering job to pay off school debts
  • Middle Adulthood

    Moving up the engineering job and making more and more money
  • Late Adulthood

    I hopefully retire and I relax
  • Death
