Period: to
Require breast milk for nutrition, primarily a nose breather until after 4 weeks old making it easier for the airway to be obstructed, weak accessory muscles making it easy for strain to happen with labored breathing. They have normal reflexes at birth, they get their antibodies from the passive immunity they acquired from their mothers. fontanels would still be visible at this point. -
Period: to
at this point the child should be able to do the following: walk with help,know own name, sit, crawl on hands and knees, put objects into containers, poke objects, respond to simple requests, say "mama" or "dada", imitate some words/phrases/facial expression, begin to use objects like brushes, finger feed. crying is how the child communicates and most of the relation ships formed at this time will be with the parents. Has lost passive immunity at this point. -
Period: to
as a child gets old their muscle and bone density increase. primary teeth will begin and eventually finish growing in. they begin to form their own immunity. the child will begin to walk and speak by the end of this period. by the end of this period a child should be able to: walk alone and begin to run, pull or carry toys will walking, climb up and down furniture, scribble and play with toys, recognize names faces voices etc., find hidden objects, sort by shape and color. -
Period: to
Pre-school age
Will begin to form relationships outside of the family, experience competitiveness, play games and follow rules.By the end of this period the child will be able to: stand on one foot for more than 10 seconds, hop jump and swing, dress and undress without assistance, use utensils somewhat appropriately, count 10 or more objects, trace and draw pictures. -
Period: to
School age
As children get older their musculoskeletal system increases in mass, Primary teeth are replaced with permanent teeth, they get better at reading and writing,some may struggle with nocturnal enuresis. Attend school and friendship becomes important, capable of fundamental problem solving skills, understand concepts of death and loss as well as self and self-esteem. -
Period: to
Rapid growth spurt for 2-3 years, muscle and bone growth are mostly complete by the age of 18 and puberty occurs.Family conflicts arise and resolve around the idea that they are invulnerable and a focus for attention. want to be treated as adults but are unable to make adult medical decisions. Depression and suicide are more common in this age group than any other and they become concerned with body image and comparison to others. -
Period: to
Early adulthood
Peak physical condition between 19 and 26 years old , accidents are the leading cause of death in this age group. assume more responsibility and begin families child birth is most common in this age group, finish school and establish careers. -
Period: to
Middle adulthood
Body systems functioning at high level with varying degrees of degradation depending on lifestyle choices. more susceptible to chronic illness and disease. women go through menopause, weight gain is easy but loss is hard. vision and hearing get worse and cardiovascular problems being to arise. Individuals reach personal goal and may help others, some question lack of goal accomplishment. -
Period: to
Late adulthood
the incidence of illness and disease increase with age, most body systems become less efficient. they begin to reflect on life choices and may feel isolated. many live in communities suited to their needs, ashamed to ask for assistance which can lead to decline in well-being or self-worth; many experience the death and dying of their companions. -