paleozoic- The Cambrian period, part of the Paleozoic era, produced the most intense burst of evolution ever known. The Cambrian Explosion saw an incredible diversity of life emerge, including many major animal groups alive today. Among them were the chordates, to which vertebrates (animals with backbones) such as humans belong. -
paleozoic -
paleozoic -
paleozoic -
carboniferous (345)mya
paleozoic -
permian (280mya)
triassic (225mya)
mesozoic-The Triassic period followed the Permian extinction, the biggest mass extinction in the history of the Earth. During the Triassic, dinosaurs and mammals evolved. -
jurassic (195mya)
mesozoic -
cretaceous (136mya)
mesozoic -
tertiary (65mya)
cenozoic -
quarternary (1.8 mya)
cenozoic- extinction of many animals, age of the mammals