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Life of William Golding

  • Early ages

    Early ages
    William Golding was born in Cornwall, England, in 1911. His father Alec was a school teacher who believed in rationalism. Rationalism is the belief in reason rather than experience to gain knowledge to understand the world. This belief went against the belief in religion.
  • Early ages

    Early ages
    William Golding was born in Cornwall, England, in 1911. His father was a school teacher who believed in rationalism. Rationalism is the belief in reason rather than experience to gain knowledge about the world. This belief in rationalism introduced to Golding at a young age, went against the idea of religous beliefs.
  • Education

    Golding went to Brasenose College in Oxford in 1930. Golding decided to spend his third year studying literature which interested him most. Golding loved fiction and dreamed of writing poetry. At the age of seven, Golding would often read Shakespeare's work. Golding wrote several poems during his college ages, but later in life, he declared the poems juvenile. Golding graduated in 1935, from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He also grauduated with a diploma in education.
  • Teaching

    A few years after college after Golding decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a teacher as well. He taught Philosophy and English at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury. His experience in teaching later led him to writing the famous novel Lord of the Files.
  • Royal Navy

    Royal Navy
    In 1940 Golding temporarily abandoned teaching to join the Royal Navy and fight in World War II. During the war, Golding fought battleships at the Sinking of Bismarck. His experiences of fighting in the war contributed to his view of how the human kind produces evil. The war ended in 1945 and Golding beagan teaching again.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    After twenty-one attempts, William Golding successfully published his first and most famous novel Lord of the Flies. The novel told the story of a group of teenage boys who became stranded on an island after a plane wreck. The book showed the savage side of human nature by showing how the characters turned against each other on the island. In 1963 Golding retired from teaching. In 1964 Peter Brook created a film dedicated to the book. Golding also received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983.
  • Death of William Golding

    Death of William Golding
    On June 19, 1993, William Golding passed away due to a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. Other popular arts of literature created by Golding include Rites of Passage, Pincher Martin, Free Fall, and The Pyramid. Golding was a phenomenal author, and his contributions are still remembered to this day.