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Life of Sally McMuffin

  • Sally's Sesame Street Years: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    Sally's Sesame Street Years: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
    At the age of 3, Sally is not afraid to show that she loves the show Sesame Street to her parents and friends. In Erikson's second stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the crisis is between being able to develop a healthy sense of self that's distinct from others (autonomy) or feeling discouraged to be oneself (shame and doubt).
  • Sally's Identity Crisis

    Sally's Identity Crisis
    As a result of constant bullying from elementary and middle school, 17-year-old Sally changed so much of herself in high school to fit in with the popular crowd. It's only during the COVID pandemic did she realized how much of her identity she lost trying to please her peers. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. identity confusion, the crisis is between establishing a secure identity for oneself (identity) and trying to be someone you're not to please other people (identity confusion).
  • Sally's Relationship Woes: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Sally's Relationship Woes: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    19-year-old Sally has had her heart broken so many times by untrustworthy men that she closed herself off from future relationships, afraid of getting hurt. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy vs. isolation, the crisis is between establishing a committed, loving, long-term relationship (intimacy) and keeping to yourself, not letting anyone get close to you (or even get to know you).