Birth of Muhammad
He was born in Mecca. His father was already dead when he was born. -
Nov 18, 610
Muhammad's first revelation
Muhammad is visited by an angel who gives him instructions from Allah. At first he believes he is possesed by a demon but the angel tells him that he is actually talking with Allah. -
Nov 18, 613
Muhammad preaches in Mecca
People in Mecca are skeptical about his teachings and ask for miracles but Muhammad does none. -
Nov 18, 624
Nakhla Raid
Muhammad orders a carvan raid aganist the pagans in Mecca. Thus begins the violence in the name of Islam. -
Nov 18, 627
The Battle of Trench
The Musslims build trenches around Medina so to protect themselves from the Meccan army. -
Dec 31, 632
Death of Muhammad
He dies on the bosom of his 19 year old wife. -
Muhammad marries Khadijah
He marries his twice divorced cousin, Khadijah. This is a constriversal marriage. -
The conquest of Khaybar
Musslims take over the city of Khaybar. They take the women and children as hostage and tortue and behead the Jewish leader Safiyah.