Life of Maron Ambaye

By maramb3
  • Birth Date

  • Gymnastics

    I'm in gymnastics at Niles North. My favorite events are floor and bars.
  • Gymnastics

    I joined the gymnastics team last year and it's a very diffucult sport that requires balance and concetration.
  • Goals for highschool

    Goals for highschool
    My goals are to get a better gpa for this semester. I plan on improving my grades throughout the rest of highschool and hopefully get into university of Illinois.
  • My life in 5 years

    In 5 years, I still see myself in school studying to become a lawyer. I would hope that I'd finish school by 26 years old. I'd also still be living in Illinois going to the same college.
  • My life in 10 years

    After college, I see myself as a criminal defense lawyer because I would like to help people who've been accused of a crime. It also interests me because you'd have to be a really good persuader towards the jury and the judge.
  • In 10 years.....

    In 10 years.....
    I'd be living in California because I love the weather there and they're are alot of attorney firms there so it'll be easier to find a job. I'd live in the more suburban areas.
  • In 10 years.......

    I would be living in a house because it would be more convenient.
  • Still in 10 years.....

    Still in 10 years.....
    I would be married having two kids the first one being a boy and the second one being a girl. They would be two years apart.
    I would have one dog that's a Yorkshire terrier.