Life Of Jimmy Carter

  • Birth

    Jimmy Carter was born on this date in Plains, Georgia. He was the first president born in a hospital.
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

  • Rosalynn's Birth

    Rosalynn's Birth
    Rosalynn Smith was born on this day.
  • Graduates Naval Academy

    Graduates Naval Academy
    Jimmy Carter graduates the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis.
  • Marrige

    Jimmy Carter and Rosealynn Smith get married on this day.
  • First-Born

    Jack Carter was born on this day. He is the couple's first child.
  • Second-Born

    The Carter's second-born child is born on this day. His name is Chip.
  • Third-Born

    Jeff, the Carter's third-born child is born on this day.
  • Earl Dies

    Earl Dies
    Earl Carter, Jimmy's father, dies from pancreatic cancer.
  • Moving Back Home

    Moving Back Home
    Jimmy is discharged from the navy. Him and his family move back to Georgia to take over the Carter Family buisness.
  • State Senator

    State Senator
    Jimmy plans to run for state senator.
  • Running for Governor

    Running for Governor
    Jimmy tells that he plans to run for Georgia's governor. He loses this campaign. He plans to run again.
  • Amy's Birth

    Amy's Birth
    The Carter's fourth child, Amy Lynn, is born.
  • Elected Governor

    Elected Governor
    Carter ran for governor and lost the first time. This is the second time he has ran for governor. He won 48.6% of the vote, beating his competitors.
  • Time Magazine

    Time Magazine
    Jimmy Carter is put on the front of "Time Magazine." He was a representitave of the "New South."
  • Running for President

    Running for President
    Carter announces his candidacy for president.
  • Carter as President

    Carter as President
    Jimmy CArter wins the Presidential Ealection by a smalll margin. Although, he doesn't know until 3:30 am.
  • Around the World

    Around the World
    Rosalynn travels to Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela as the President's emissary.
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    Panama Canal Treaty
    Carter and Panamanian president Omar Torrijos Herrera sign the Panama Canal Treaty.
  • Iran Hostages

    Iran Hostages
    The 444-day arrest of these 66 hopeless, innocent people begin today.
  • Iranians Release Blacks and Females

    Iranians Release Blacks and Females
    Iranians relase 13 black and female hostages from their holding. This leaves 53 still captive.
  • Running for Re-Election

    Running for Re-Election
    Carter announces his candidacy for re-election.
  • Reagan for President

    Reagan for President
    Reagan wins the 1980 Presidential Election by a landslide.
  • Released Hostages

    Released Hostages
    The second Reagan takes oath, Iran releases the hostages. This was their 444th day.
  • Carter is an Author!

    Carter is an Author!
    Jimmy writes and publishes his first book, The Blood of Abraham.
  • Winning a Title

    Winning a Title
    Rosalynn and Jimmy receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in America.
  • Noble Peace Prize

    Noble Peace Prize
    Carter wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his many years of untiring efforts to peaceful solutions.