Life of Gregory caster

By gcaster
  • Euro invented

    Euro invented
    The Europeans decided on single money system based on the euro. Every single country in Europe had there own money system.The euro was still in us today.
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I was born in Oswego hospital at 12:42 am. I weigh 7 pounds. I was 20 inches long.The Dr. who dilivered me was Uva Ronald. My traits was that I had black hair and a birth mark on my shoulder (its still there.), my blood type is O+. MY head circumference was 13 1/2.
  • Period: to

    The life of Gregory caster

  • The Finale of Sienfeld

    The Finale of Sienfeld
    The finale episode of sienfeld aired May 14 1998. It was the biggest viewing on tv ever with a wopping 71.4 million views. The reason it ended was because Jerry Sienfeld ( the star of the show) did not want to do another season, and they all went there own ways on other shows. The searies can still be viewed on My 43 ( channel 7).
  • Killing at a school

    Killing at a school
    3 students of the names of Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) stormed a high school in littleton. They killed 12 students, a teacher, and then them selfs. The school was shut down for weeks.
  • Earthquake hits

    Earthquake hits
    A earthquake hits the area of turkey killing more than 15600 and leaves about 600000 homeless. the earth quake was a 7.6 magnitude earthquake.It left the country in devestation or weeks.
  • A destroyer killed

    A destroyer killed
    The destroyer cole and Us troops was destroyed in a esploshion in Yeman killed a total of about 12 navy marines.
  • The mad cow disease

    The mad cow disease
    The mad cow disease was spreding all around europe making meat down by 27% smaller. The disease did not kill a lot or very few at all, concidering it hit 10 out of the 15 countrys.The cow population dropped significantly like every 4 out of 5 were killed.
  • A monkey is born

    A monkey is born
    Noah a monkey is born a, clone of a endangered speacies. The mokey was cloned from... . It started the bigging of cloneing of animals and such.
  • A plane hits the world trade center NY

    A plane hits the world trade center NY
    Two planes hity the world trade center Ny, causing one of the biggest terrest attacks on the united states. The two planes was hikacked by alkita men, a third plane hit the pentegon. The last plane was atempted to be hijacked and go for the white house, buy the passangers over through the terrest and crashed in virginia.
  • Massive car pile up

    Massive car pile up
    The car pile up happened on interstate 71 in Geogia. There was 125 cars involved. It killed about 70 people in the crash in the town of Ringgold.
  • The Former Pres. meets with Castro in cuba

    The Former Pres. meets with Castro in cuba
    The former Presedent at the time (Jimmy Carter) wisited with Castro in cuba for 5 days. Castro is a cuban revelutionest,polititon, and was the prime mister of cuba from 1959 to 1976.It was the first time we went to the island sence 1959.
  • The Columbia crash

    The Columbia crash
    The Colubian shuttle was a NASA shuttle crash coming in from the space station.The reason for the crash is the heat reisestant foam like thingy fell off and the tempeture rose to over 1000 degrees Farenhiet and exploded in mid flight. It killed all of the 5 men on board and crashed on to the run way. They rebuilt the shuttle to be used again.
  • The Beginning of the Iraqian War

    The Beginning of the Iraqian War
    It was United states and United Kingdom vs iraq. The war with iraq ( war on terrer) was the logest war in history) lasted for about 8 years. The war killed the most men then WWII and WWI we lost more then 17000 men.
  • The rover hits water

    The rover hits water
    The mars rover hits water on mars, and reports to NASA. A rover is a remote controlled machine that check the surface of other planets. It has six wheels and is controled by NASA.
  • The Cassini-Hygens satilite hits saturn

    The Cassini-Hygens satilite hits saturn
    The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is the satilite of Saturn. It was launced by NASA, and the date is was launched on October 15 1997. The time it is set to end is 2017 to crash in satun.It has took lots of pictures of the distante planet Satun and its moons.
  • YouTube is BORN!!

    YouTube is BORN!!
    Youtube was created on febuary 14 2005 by Steve Chen,
    Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim ( who are awsome). they have created the best website ever of all time. They are most likely millionares or billionares and live in big mansions. Youtube has over 10000000 users and over 100000 videos uploaded.
  • A leap second

    A leap second
    A second added to the time on the clock making time longer. So the time was time was longer then 2004. The other leap seond was in 1998.
  • NASA finds presens of water

    NASA finds presens of water
    The Cassini-Huygens satilite ( the satilite of saturn) finds a presnts of water on its moon. The Cassini- Huygens was launched in October 1998. Saturn's moon Enceladus was seen launching geyesis a liquid substance, and a possible pressents of water.
  • Pluto is not a Planet

    Pluto is not a Planet
    Pluto, the former nineth planet of our solar system is no longer a planet because it is so small. The name for the planet now is a "Duarf planet" witch means it is a small planet and will be cosidered one of neptune moons or just something. The time it takes pluto to complete a year is over 9000 days.
  • NASA's spacecraft makes its second fly-by of Venus

    NASA's spacecraft makes its second fly-by of Venus
    NASA's Messenger space craft makes its way to venus ( our sister planet). It heads for mucury to take pictures of both planets. The space craft is said to retun to earth in 2017.
  • The simsons movie released

    The simsons movie released
    The comidy family show " The Simpsons" gos to the big screan in this Comedy relesed on July 27th. The Simpsons is a comedy that was relised in 1980 something. The simpsons only BIG rivel is the other adalt comedy "Family Guy".
  • The MESSEGE hits mercury

    The MESSEGE hits mercury
    The NASA spacecraft takes its first non seen side of murcury. It has took pictures of venes also. It has made two fly bys of Venus and Murcury. It sends pictures back to NASA.
  • Th Shuttle STS-122 lunches to the space station

    Th Shuttle STS-122 lunches to the space station
    The STS-122 is a European Space Agency (ESA) built shuttle to go to the station and give suplies.TS-122 marked the 24th shuttle mission to the ISS.It was the 121st space shuttle flight since STS-1.
  • Death of American entertainer Michael Jackson

     Death of American entertainer Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson death Suprised the United States, it was the saddest day in the USA. Micheal jackson was "The king of pop", and relised more then 100 albums. He comes from a family of stars like when he was part of the jackson 5.
  • Billy mays Death

    Billy mays Death
    Billy mays was the seller for Oxy Clean produts and assorted stuff. He founded Mays Promotions, Inc. It was a sad day for all the consumers of the world(he is also a star on the internet). He will be missed as the best Oxy Clean seller ever, better then the new guy at all.
  • Astronomers discover GJ1214b

    Astronomers discover GJ1214b
    Astronomers discover Another planet that could possible have water. The GJ1214D planet is 40 lightyears away from earth. Astronomers found the planet in one of there giant telescope.
  • Haiti parell

     Haiti parell
    A 7.0 magnitude earthquake devestates the island of haiti in the carrabian. The earthquake destroyed 1000s of buildings. It killed 100s. It was the largest recorded in 2010.
  • Spacestation gets award

    Spacestation gets award
    The spacestation gets the award for longest Man made structure in space. It has the recod of over 3000 days. We have made 121 trips to the Iternational space station (ISS).
  • The Columbia returns to earth

    The Columbia returns to earth
    The columbia goes up to the space station to get the last of things. The Columbia was the last shuttle to be lonched. Therefor ending the last of the NASA program.
  • The troops leave iraq

    The troops leave iraq
    the president said the soilders are leaving iraq today and coming home.After the 10 year war it has ended they killed hidafi. Hiadafi was a evil dictator in livia and he died a brutal death.