Life of Cambodia

  • Freedom from France

    King Norodom Sihanouk declared indépendance from France on Nov,9,1953
  • Election

    The first elections were held for general
  • Head of state dies

    Sihanouk's father dies he becomes King/Head of state
  • Cambodia bombing

    The US launched a secret bombing on Cambodian soil this resulted in the Cambodian civil war
  • Captured Phnom Penh

    communists captured Phnom Penh
  • Renamed

    Cambodia was renamed Kampuchea due to pol pot
  • Democratic Kampuchea

    Cambodia is re named Democratic Kampuchea
  • Pol Pot

    Pol Pot is the 27th Prime minister
  • Khmer rouge

    Khmer Rouge attacts
  • war with Vietnam

    War breaks out with Vietnam
  • Invasion

    Vietnam invaded Cambodia
  • Pol Pot ruled

    people were led by Pol Pot it was estimated 1.5 million people were killed by him. he decided that Cambodia would be completely agricultural if you didn't convert you would be killed
  • Troops withdraw

    Vietnamese troops withdraw from Cambodia
  • Paris Peace

    This marked an official end to the Cambodian Vietnamese war
  • Monarchy

    The Monarchy is restored and Sihanouk becomes king again
  • Pol pot dies

    Pol pot died on April 15 1998
  • Khmer Rouge leaders

    after negotiations with the UN Cambodia agreed to an international tribunal for former Khmer Rouge leaders
  • King

    Norodom Sihamoni Became King
  • Oil

    In 2005 Oil was discovered in the sea off Cambodia
  • Sihanouk Dies

    Sihanouk Dies due to natural causes in Beijing China