Dec 14, 1000
Ice age- 20 000 years ago
The Ice Age was a huge devastation to me and my fellow water droplets. Being frozen in glaciers and ice sheets for who knows how long is pretty scary. I was just swimming in the ocean enjoying myself when gradually I started to feel cold and slightly stiff. Next thing I know.. SHA-BAM! I'm part of a glacier and it turns out that water droplrts throughout North America, Europe and Asia all made the same change as me. -
Dec 20, 1500
Evaporation- 10 000 years after the Ice age
Gradually over the next 5 ooo years things became warmer and warmer until I changed form once again. I was evaporating. This time though I felt as light as a feather, just floating higher and higher. -
The first working steam powered vehicle- a different cycle
As I recall, in the year 1672 an ingenious man named Father Ferdinand Verbiest that invented the first working steam powered vehicle whether it was just a sixty five centimetre scale model or not... (Which it was) I was just relaxing in a small river, when I was scooped up into a little cup. I was transported to his workshop and poured into this little machine that turned me into water vapour. Next thing I know I’m coming out the top of the first steam powered vehicle! -
I started to feel a little chilly. I was going through the state of condensation, becoming water vapour. A whole bunch of us joined together and became a cloud. Our cloud grew bigger and bigger until we were too heavy to float. -
The Great Flood
We all plummeted to the earth as water droplets and continued to do so for forty days and forty nights. I heard there were so many of us that fell from the sky, they named us the Great Flood. We were in water form for so long, we actually inspired a man named Noah to create a huge boat that was big enough to hold him, his wife, his sons and their wives along with two of each animal. For reasons I think we all know.. wink, wink, nudge, nudge