Life of the wild chapter one
so when Geroge was little he had to move away from Germany to America because of world war2 he took his most valuable collection of eggs he was very instrested in animals so when he was old enogh to go to college he flew all the way to alaska just to learn more about animals thn he started studign about birds. -
Life in the wild Chapter two
george gets an offer to study gorillas and obviously, George said yes so he goes to a place and he starts trying to find a bundle of gorillas and then he finds one. one time a mother gorilla sat right next to him but he found so much about gorillas and how they are simaliar to us humans -
Life In The Wild chapter three
george and his wife go and study tigers he finds a family and names an adult one cut-ear and he tried to write down how long they take to eat a full meal and more. -
Life In The Wild chapter three part two
so the tiger that is called cut-ear is called that cause it has a cut on one of its ear. cut ear has a family she has three cubs and when cut ear hunts the little ones try to help -
Life In The Wild chapter three part three
one time the Cubs went hunting on there own theytried to take out a buffalo but when they tried they kept getting knowcked off and then one of the tigers and older one came in to help and BAM they have a midnight snack