1940s   copy

Life in the 1940's (Canada)

  • Fashion (women)

    Fashion (women)
    Women back then compared to now, back in the 1940's woman wore longer clothing and it would have been things like dress coats and skirts that were over their knees. Slowly decade after decade the dresses being shorter and shorter and expose more of their legs and arms.
  • A place a lot of people spend time in when it is summer

    A place a lot of people spend time in when it is summer
    Even though this place wasn't around in the 40's it is a Canadian Amusement Park and is a big way people spent their leisure time. wheather it was going with Kids or a close Friend this was a way to get out the house and have some fun.
  • University ? Team

    University ? Team
    This right here is Toronto University's Hockey team roster .Like i have mentioned before,we as canadians and canadian citizen are so proud that Hockey is our national sport. Just like how i mentioned the summer olympics, in winter team Canada is definently first out of of the top three teams in the National leauge and the proof of that is how we won 8 gold medals since 1920 to 2010 and there is a championship game vs the US coming up soon too. This is where alot of Nhl players come from.
  • Churchill's Island

    Churchill's Island
    Churchill`s Island, A propaganda film explaining the defences of Great Britain in World War 2 and it was a famous canadian film about such a Historic event not to just canada but the rest of the world.
    Note There wasnt an exact date for the release of the film just the year 1941
  • "Walkie Talkie"

    "Walkie Talkie"
    In World war 2 a way of Canada communicating with allies was a walkie talkie but the ones that were used during the war in the 1940's were called the SCR-300 and the -536. The significance about this invention is just that these specific walkie talkies are like Artifacts and this thing made history from using in the war to kids playing around with them at home.
    Note there is not a specific date is was just known to be created in 1934 and used in the military until 1942
  • The Nickel

    The Nickel
    This coin isnt the only coin that hold significance to canada but it is really important and it goes through alot of things like the coin belonged to Newfoundland up to 1947 and the importance of the Canadian coin is that the beaver on the front is our National Animal.Also, During world war 2 the material that were used to make it(Copper,steel and nickel) all were used to make armour during the world war also

    An amazing cartoon character who can fly,has super strenght and has laser sight! This cartoon Is so successful ever since 1941 to present. The cartoon character was Co-created by Joe Shuster who was born in Toronto and he is a great example of a famous canadian from the 40's to know about
  • Uncle who?

    Uncle who?
    I have related so many slides to the world war but it was such a crucial event for Europe and North America. Here is a poster of the famous uncle sam trying to recruit soldiers during the world war 1 and 2. He is in the american patriot suit that represnts the american flags "stars and stripes" but during the war Canada/Britain,France and American were all a pact.
    Note Not sure what month and day this poster was hung for recruits in world war 2
  • 1942 Stanley Cup Champions...TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS!

    1942 Stanley Cup Champions...TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS!
    the Maple leafs present are known as the losing team but back in 1942 as one of the original six hockey teams, Toronto manage to beat the Red Wings and win the cup. This is big new for us Canadians but Hockey is our national sport and we have so much pride and love for it.
  • Summer Olympics 1940's

    Summer Olympics 1940's
    The Place where Countries prove to one another of who is better than who in a series of althletic events. Our country Canada had entered the 48' olympics to bring home the gold but due to World war 2 from 1940 and 1944 the olympics was cancelled.