Build a huge snow fort so I can accomplish something.
Go around the world and explore it.
Go to the beach so I can learn to surf.
Goto France and talk to some French people so I can learn French.
Become president because you can order people to do stuff with you.
start World War 3 because I would like to be in a war.
Make a time machine so I can fix things in the past and the future.
Buy a huge house so I can live in it and do whatever I want.
Buy companies like apple so I can make a lot of money
Make zombies so I could expearement on them.
Finally finished with the zombie now to duplicate it so we can make more.
Help everybody not get infected from the zombies.
Saved 5 people frm the breakout of the zombies because all of them were people that I needed.
Went back to my house to kill the rest of the zombies in the world.
Killed all the zombies and 2 of my people died, so now we can have a new start.
Be king of the people that come to me that survived the breakout so they can get help.
The power goes out and everyone turns to me so we have to find a way to turn the power back on or we would have no power at all.
We found these keys and a gate at the far east side of the world so we put the keys in the holes and we got the power back.
Live the rest of my life with everyone I meet and love so I can be king at all time.