
Life Events of Peter the Great

  • Birth

    Peter the Great was born on June 9th, 1672 in Moscow, Russia.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Peter the Great

  • Assumed Rule

    Peter the Great assumed rule in May 7th, 1682 but shared the throne with his half brother Ivan.
  • Completely Assumes Rule Over Russia

    Peter's older half brother dies in 1696 allowing Peter to be the sole rule of Russia.
  • Period: to

    War With Sweden

    Russia went to war with Sweden between 1700 to 1721 which was later known as the Great Northern War.
  • Defeat of Sweden

    Peter the Great defeats Sweden in 1709 allowing him access to the Black Sea.
  • Treaty of Thorn

    The treaty declared the Alliance between Russia and Poland-Lithuania.
  • Establishment of St. Petersburg

    Peter established a city on the Neva river, St. Petersburg, and moved the capital their which is modern day Moscow.
  • Marriage

    Peter married Catherine in February 9th, 1712 who he had 11 children with.
  • Execution of His Eldest Son

    Peter executed his eldest son in 1718, killing off one of his most capable heirs.
  • Economic Reform

    Russia dominated all forms of industry in raw materials and finish products. Under state direction many factories were built that improved Russia's economy.
  • Control of the Church

    Peter the Great took over the church and instituted the Holy Synod to direct the church udner his rule.
  • Treaty of Nystad

    Treaty that ended the Great Northern War.
  • Death

    Peter the Great died on February 8th, 1725.
  • End of Reign

    Peter's reign ended on February 8th, 1725.