• Receive Higher Education

    I would receive a higher education to give myself an opportunity to start a career. This is an investment option.
  • Starting Career

    After I received my higher education I would start my career to start making money. This is an investment option.
  • Establishing Savings Fund

    I would start investing my profits and putting money in a savings account for the future. This would be saving.
  • Getting Married

    I would find a smoking hot wife who is also nice and invest in her by marrying her. This is definitely an investment.
  • Starting Family

    After getting married I would start having kids. This is an investment.
  • Building Net Worth

    After I had been working for a while I would start to build my net worth. This is both savings and investing.
  • Buying a Vehicle

    After I had kids I would need to buy a safer car. This is an investment.
  • Buying a Home

    After having kids I would also need more living space so I would buy a home. This is an investment.
  • Going on Vacation

    Before I retired I would go on vacation with my wife. This would require savings.
  • Retiring

    i would retire and have a good life.