Life Events

  • Buy a vehicle

    Buy a vehicle
    Ages 15-25, Saving option, Begin planning to buy a car in high school this may take a few months to achieve.
  • Receiving Higher Education

    Receiving Higher Education
    Ages 15-25, Saving option, College will take all of high school to plan for. It costs a lot of money so this is a big decision to think about.
  • Establishing a Savings Fund

    Establishing a Savings Fund
    Ages 15-25, Saving option, Start planning this in high school so you have money when graduation hits. Start saving with money from birthday and other holidays.
  • Starting a Career

    Starting a Career
    Ages 26-45, Investing option, Invest in yourself. Pick a career you enjoy and love doing. Start thinking about this during high school and college
  • Buying a Home

    Ages 25-45, Saving option, After starting a career and making some good money it is smart to start thinking about buying a home.
  • Getting married

    Ages 26-45, Saving and Investing option, Getting married cost lots of money so start saving soon after starting a career. Also you are investing your life with that significant other.
  • Starting a Family

    Ages 26-45, Saving and Investing option, Kids cost money so save up fast also they will be your first priority so it is time investing. This takes time to plan like a few years
  • Building Net Worth

    Ages 46-65, Saving option, Start planning throughout your career. Will take years to build it up.
  • Going on Vacatation

    Ages 46-65, Saving option, Start planning when you think about retiring. A perfect vacation may take a few years or longer to plan.
  • Retiring

    Ages 65+, Saving option, When retiring you need money saved up. This will take your whole life to plan.