
Life During The War

By king.a
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    During the great depression, a large drought-hit Canada at a time that was nothing shy of horrible. at this time one in 3 Canadians were unemployed and the economy was crashing. the "dust bowl" was the drought that hit in a time where the price of wheat went down, there was no water and crops were burning in the field. as you could tell this had a negative impact on the farmer since they had no crops to sell
  • indigenous peoples in the war

    indigenous peoples in the war
    Unlike the previous war, world war 2 indigenous peoples were allowed to fight for their country and many of them were very proud of that fact. Many indigenous peoples earned many awards bringing great honour to their family. This was a great leap from the previous war where they said that the Germans would have thought that they were savages to fighting for the same cause and for one country together.
  • Jewish refugees

    Jewish refugees
    One of the low points in Canada's history is turning away many of the Jewish immigrants that were seeking refuge in this country. due to our then minister of immigration that wasn't very fond of Jewish people and the prime minister who hated jews so much he bought land around his house so that they may not live around him; Canada did not end up taking up many Jewish refugees. people whose lives would have been saved had we welcomed them like the people in the MS St. Louis.
  • Women in the home front

    Women in the home front
    during war times women began to get more job opportunities in manufacturing since the men who would e having those jobs were out at war. I think that this is probably a positive impact on women which influenced them to want more freedom after the war since they had a taste of what it's like not to have to be at home all the time.
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    works cited
    Canada, Veterans Affairs. “Indigenous People in the Second World War.” Historical Sheet - Second World War - History - Veterans Affairs Canada, 14 Feb. 2019, www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/historical-sheets/aborigin.
    CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENTSE1EP13CH4PA2LE.html.
    CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, www.cbc.ca/history/SECTIONSE1EP13CH1LE.html.
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    works cited 2
    Museum, Canadian War. “Life on the Home Front: Women and the War on the Home Front.” WarMuseum.ca - Democracy at War - Women and the War on the Home Front - Canada and the War, www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/newspapers/canadawar/women_e.html.