Period: to
Stage 1:Infancy
Infant develops a sense of basic trust. -
Period: to
Stage 2: Toddlerhood
Toddlers learn to exercise will adn do things for themselves, or they doubt their abilities. -
Period: to
Stage 3: Preschooler
Preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans, or they feel guilty about efforts to be independent. -
Period: to
Stage 4: Elementary School
Period: to
Stage 5: Adolescence
This stage is where the child learns to develop by experiencing things themselves. -
Got a new puppy
I recently just got a new puppy. He is a lot of work, trying to keep up with him and train him. It takes a lot of cooperation with my family to make everything fair. -
Get my first car
Getting a car is a big deal. Getting a car will help me develop responsibility and be trustworthy towards my parents -
Graduate high school
Graduating high school will show my becoming of an early adult and not as much of a teenager. I'll have learned the essentials for starting a life. -
Go to college
Going to college will be the start of my life. I will earn a degree that will help me get a job and it'll show my work ethic. -
Period: to
Stage 6: Young Adult Hood
Young adult hood is the time where you seek for love and companionship. -
Get a job
Getting a job is a whole different type of responsibility. I'll have people dependent on me to get my job done. I'll also develop a good work ethic. -
Go to beautitician school
Going to beauticians school will show my passion for hair and my dedication towards it. I'll also learn a lot and get experience for future jobs. -
Get married
Getting married will show my commitment and love for my husband and make me a more cooperative person by living with him. -
Buy a house
Buying a house is lots of work, you have to pay for it and maintain it. This step in my life will demonstrate my maturness and how responsible I am. -
Have a baby!
Having a baby is raising another human. I'll become a parent, I'll have to displine, teach, and love my child. -
Have another baby!
Having another baby will teach my balance for my love and care. -
Period: to
Stage 7: Middle Adulthood
During middle adulthood your life is about work and generatvity. -
Become a grandparent
When I'm a grandma, I'll have to cope with retirement and learn how to live without getting paid all of the time. -
Period: to
Stage 8: Late Adulthood
This stage involves the reflection over your life.