Sep 22, 1542
1 Day at sea
Day one at life at sea was hard, we left from england and are travaling to timoer we ate little and worked all day and night -
Dec 24, 1543
Day 3 at sea
Our days at sea have been rough many people are catching illnesses and low on pay and food and gotten to spain this year -
Jan 27, 1546
port of europe
china has 20 ports 20 cities and 20 states. -
Sep 23, 1546
Port of Africa
Nov 26, 1546
port of china
China's coastal ports had over 2,500 berths of medium size or above, of which 650 were 10,000-ton-class berths. -
Mar 23, 1549
Port of India
India serviced by 13 major ports, 200 notified minor and intermediate ports.The total 200 non-major ports are in the following States. -
Mar 31, 1549
Day 2 life at sea
Many years later there was a huge storm hit and wipedout half of our crew, and weve gotten india non stop -
Nov 17, 1550
day 4 life at sea
The law allowed to let ships to seize men and force them to work on them ship and where sailing through the East indies and and didnt have much to much to sail -
Aug 12, 1555
Day 5 day at sea
We arive at the port of timor the last day and half of our crew members are gone most of them have a illness and need care. and still low on food. -
Sep 23, 1555
ports of asia
Asia has 30 ports 5 countires