Life As A Mya

  • Mya Was Born!

    Mya Was Born!
    Mya came into the world on November 7th 2001. She was a small, ADOARBLE, and heathy little girl. Her life was right in front of her.
  • Mom films everything

    Mom films everything
    Mya's mom uses her video camera for a great idea in filming every single thing Mya did. Sometimes it would just be Mya as a baby crawling around, or me enjoying a nice episode of Elmo's World.
  • Bestfriend is Born

    Bestfriend is Born
    Taylor, a little girl who becomes Mya's bestfriend forever, was born! After that, since their parents were bestfriends also, they hung out daily, and still to this day hang out.
  • Mya Was On foot

    Mya Was On foot
    Mya learned how to walk, and with this new way of traveling she could reach things she wasn't supposed to. This includes going up to the tv to touch the screen, climbing up on chairs, and many more.
  • Says Elmo!

    Says Elmo!
    Mya's first word was Elmo since all she would watch was Elmo's world. Her mom remebers almost all the ongs from the show since I'd repeatedly watched the same episodes over and over again.
  • Little Bro Was Born

    Little Bro Was Born
    David, Mya's little brother, was born that day. He is her only sibling, and was a handful at first.
  • Began School.

    Began School.
    Mya headed to her first day of school, and met wonderful people. Learning was new teritory, and she had no clue that she'd be at that school for years to come.
  • First Good Grade!

    First Good Grade!
    Mya succeeds in school learning, and gets very good grades! This makes her try to do good in school for years to come.
  • Broke Her Arm

    Broke Her Arm
    She broke her arm while trying to achieve crawling to the edge of her bed, jumping onto the tv, and reaching the remote for the tv. It sounded like a great plan at the time.
  • Moves Out Of House

    Moves Out Of House
    Mya's parents decide to get a better house. Goodbye old house! Hello new surroundings!
  • Joins Sport!

    Joins Sport!
    Mya joins her first school sport team, soccer!
  • Gets Phone!

    Gets Phone!
    Mya gets her first phone, and is introduced into the wonderful new generation of electronics.