
  • infancy

    age from birth-2 years and is the early stages of development and grow the fastest.
  • childhood

    from 2 years-10 years old and the spans the period from the second birthday to beginning of adolescence
  • early adolescence

    early adolescence
    from ages 11-14 its the stages where physical changes happen with growth spurts and followed by puberty
  • middle adolescence

    middle adolescence
    ages are 15-18 this is where certain attitudes, behaviors and physical goals happen. this age people tend to act a lot different also
  • late adolescence

    late adolescence
    age from 18-21, physical development is most likely done by this stage
  • jean piaget 4 stages

    the four stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational period
  • young adult

    young adult
    ages from 20-40, more physcial things start to change but more gradual.
  • middle adult

    middle adult
    ages from 40-65 start to lose some physical ability, mid-life transition, perspective change
  • late adult

    late adult
    ages from 65+ this is when you get wrinkles, brittle bones, stiff joints, and more complications. also the immune system is not as strong so disease is more likely