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WWI and Beyond Timeline

  • President Woodrow Wilson’s Term

    President Woodrow Wilson’s Term
    Ended in 1921.
    Wilson was a Democrat.
    Led the U.S. into WWI, even though he did not want to go to war.
  • WWI

    Started in 1914 after Austrian Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated.
    U.S. enters in 1917.
    Ends in 1918.
    Bloodiest war in all of history from early 20th Century and back.
    Called the “Great War” before WWII.
  • RMS Lustania

    RMS Lustania
    Sunk on May 7, 1915.
    German U-Boat/submarine collided with the ship after warning the world about sinking of ships on German territory.
    En route from New York City to Liverpool.
    Sunk within a few miles from the shore of Liverpool.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    Influx of Black Americans moving from the Southern states to the Northern and Western states and cities.
    Ended around 1970.
  • Lenin Leading the Russian Revolution

    Lenin Leading the Russian Revolution
    Ended in 1923.
    Lenin became the head of government for Soviet Russia and Soviet Union until his death in 1924.
  • Rep. Jeannette Rankin

    Rep. Jeannette Rankin
    First Woman Elected into Congress.
    From Missoula County, MT.
    Elected in 1916.
    Elected again in 1940.
  • Selective Service Act of 1917

    Selective Service Act of 1917
    Required all men from ages 21 to 30 to register for the U.S. Army.
    10 million men registered into the draft.
  • Espionage Act of 1917

    Espionage Act of 1917
    Prohibited copying, obtaining, and/or taking any posters or information about the military to prevent injuring the U.S. or helping foreign countries.
  • Spanish Flu Pandemic

    Spanish Flu Pandemic
    Came from the traveling armies of the Great War.
    Source is unspecified; some think it is from Spain, others think France, a few think U.S.
    The “heat” ended around 1919.
  • Sedition Act of 1918

    Sedition Act of 1918
    Writers who wrote against the U.S. Government could be fined, imprisoned, or deported.
  • Pres. Wilson’s Fourteen Points

    Pres. Wilson’s Fourteen Points
    Sought to build a better world communication system.
    Brought world leaders together to discuss and not fight.
    Goals for a better, peaceful future.
  • Schenck vs. U.S.

    Schenck vs. U.S.
    Deciding the enforcement of the Espionage Act during WWI.
    What the First Amendment protects and does not protect.
    Speech is protected under the First Amendment unless it gives danger to the society.
  • U.S. Senate Rejects Treaty of Versailles

    U.S. Senate Rejects Treaty of Versailles
    Idealist Pres. Wilson wanted “peace without victory.”
    Realist Henry C. Lodge wanted to have Germany surrender.
    The first time in U.S. Senate history that a peace treaty was rejected.
  • Hitler Establishes the Nazi Party

    Hitler Establishes the Nazi Party
    Hitler was only in politics for a few months (from late 1919) before establishing his evil platform.
    Considered the foundation of Naziism.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Gave women the right to vote
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Bribery scandal from Pres. Harding about oil.
    The U.S. Secretary of Interior was secretly leasing major oil companies.
    Named after Teapot Rock in Wyoming, where the oil was extracted.
    Ended in 1923.
  • Arizona’s 10th Anniversary

    Arizona’s 10th Anniversary
    The State of Arizona was established on Valentine’s Day, 1912, one month and eight days after New Mexico.
    Home of Brent Bailey. Also home to the famous Saguaro Cactus, Grand Canyon, Four Corners, Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, mining town of Tombstone, Route 66, and the Sonoran Hotdog.
    The most populated metro area and AZ capital is Phoenix. Largest mountain city is Flagstaff. The best and oldest large city is Tucson.
  • Dick Van Dyke is born

    Dick Van Dyke is born
    Very famous comedian and dancer.
    Starred in Mary Poppins, Dick Van Dyke Show, Diagnosis Murder, and many more.
    Featured in Mary Poppins Returns.
  • MLK is born

    MLK is born
    Baptist minister.
    Famous for his work with the ‘50s and ‘60s Civil Rights Movements.
  • Neil Armstrong is born

    Neil Armstrong is born
    First astronaut to walk on the moon.
    Part of Apollo 11 space mission.