Age from birth to two years.
First year- Weight triples (4-7 pounds), grows 4-6 inches
Motor development increases over time, starting with turning from stomach to side at 4 months. Cognitive changes include learning coordination sensation and perception with motor activity, and development of object permanence. Learns to be strongly attached to caregiver around 4 months. -
two years to adolescence- 4-6 pounds and 4-6 inches to height per year until adolescence, reflexes develop. -
Early Adolescence
Age 11 to 14. During adolescence the stable growth patterns in height and weight that mark early and middle childhood come to an end. Stability is replaced by an abrupt burst of growth. This adolescent growth spurt usually lasts two to three years. During this time of rapid growth, most adolescents grow 8 to 12 inches in height. Changes in men consist of deepening of voice, broader shoulders, thicker body, etc. -
Middle Adolescence
Age 15 to 18. Most teenagers, by middle adolescence, have already begun to show signs of puberty physically, such as facial hair, pubic hair, breast development, and other traits. Emotional and psychological changes happen during this period intensely. -
Late Adolescence
Age 18 to 21. Closely reaches point of full physical maturity. The ability to make independent decisions is well developed. Greater independence, self-reliance, pride in their work, and they have more defined work habits. -
Young Adulthood
Around age 20-40. Are faster, stronger, and better coordinated around their 20's and 30's. Characterized by a desire to try new ways of doing things and by changing relationships with parents. Mid to late 30's is when people start to settle down. May marry and divorce. -
Middle Adulthood
Middle adulthood spans the years from 40 to 65. By age 40, most people have begun to lose some of the strength, coordination, and stamina they had in their 20s and 30s. Adults can be creative, or generative, in various areas of their lives, such as their careers, their families, and their communities. People in middle adulthood are often also in positions in which they can exercise a particularly important influence on the world around them. Midlife transition happens at this stage. -
Late Adulthood
Considered to be at age 65 and older. a variety of physiological changes may occur, including some degree of atrophy of the brain and a decrease in the rate of neural processes. The respiratory and circulatory systems are less efficient, and changes in the gastrointestinal tract may lead to increased constipation. Muscles become weaker unless exercise programs are followed.