Dyer painting sm

Lifan, Alyssa, and Emma SS Project

  • Period: to


    From when the Puritans set sail for the New World to when the Peublos battled against the Spanish.
  • The Puritans Set Sail

    The Puritans Set Sail
    The first Puritan ship, the Arbella, set sail in 1630 for the New World, because the king did not like their ideas. They settled in New England.
  • Roger Willams founds Rhode Island

    Roger Willams founds Rhode Island
    Roger Willams was exiled from Massachusetts for believing in freedom of religion, so he left and founded a new colony in where Rhode Island is today. Rhode Island attracted a lot of other people who wanted freedom of religion.
  • Thomas Hooker Moves West

    Thomas Hooker Moves West
    Thomas Hooker was a minister from a little town near Boston, and he decied to move west. He founded Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson was a woman with 14 children, and was interpreting the bible. Then she started having different ideas about God. The Puritans wouldn't have this, so she was banished.
  • The Pueblos Win

    An indian leader Pope was a Pueblo under the lead of the spanish. his people were being forced to convert to Cristianity. So he gathered his people and attacked the spanish they destroid every spanish settlement except for two Santafay and Islaeta. Those two towns are put under seige, and the Spainsh leave.