Period: to
Arrest of human rights campaigner
-The arrest of a human rights campaigner led to many protests.
-One of these protests was in Benghazi where anti-government protestors clashed with government supporters and police.
-A crowd protested outside a government office to demand the release ofthe activist.
-Protestors went to Shajara square where protesters and supporters clashed again.
-500-600 people involved.
-Government supporters took over the square and everything calmed down.
-14 people were injured, but none of them were fatal. -
Savage Fighting
-Government forces encircled rebels in Zawiyah after a day of fighting.
-This fighting was some of the most intense and harmful so far in the uprising in Libya.
-A witness inside the city said "snipers are firing at anyone who moves."
-Another witnes reported that 20 tanks have came into the town and are shelling everything on their way.
-At least 30 people (mostly civilians) were killed. -
Involvement of NATO
-Very powerful air and missile strikes against Gaddafi's military by NATO.
-100 missiles were fired from US and British ships and submarines, striking 20 or more air-defence systems and other military means on the mainland.
-Purpose of this was to protect civilians from Gaddafi's attempts to regain control.
-Only hours after his promised to ceasefire, Gaddafi's troops attacked rebel stronghold Benghazi.
-After this attack, NATO got very involved and was prepared to fight for the civilians. -
Capture of Muammar Gaddafi
-Gaddafi's attempted escape wasn't succesful when they got attacked. He and a few others took shelter inside a drain where they were captured.
-There was much confusion on how and when Gaddafi died, but it's reporeted that he was alive when captured but died later.
-His death was very publicized and images were shown everywhere.
-It was said that Gaddafi's death was a victory for peace.
-This was the liberation of Libya, and when the fighting initially stopped. -
What's going on now?
-After months of civil war, and years of Gaddafi's rule, Libya is opening up.
-Ecnomically, the focus is providing basic services to help ordinary Libyans whose needs were previously ignored.
-Libya has no stable government, and the civil war brought Libya to an ecnomic standstill.
-Oil production is almost back up to 1.6 million barrels.
-They are still struggling to find a stable government.
-Tensions are rising but Libya is trying to become a peaceful country.