The Libertarian Party is founded By David Nolan. -
The First National Convention was held in denver, Colorado. -
Tonee Nathan, the candidate for president, was the first woman in U.S history to recieve an elctoral vote.
80,000 voters registered Libertarian in California
in 39 states, David Bergland, candidate for president, and Jim Lewis, candidate for vice president, came in third place in the race for presidency
Bergland publishes " Libertarianism in ONe Lesson" which was a campaign book that is still used by the LP today
More than 200 candidates across the U.S. recive 2.9 million votes
Libertarians are elected to every seat on the city council in Big Water, Utah.
Appoximately 2 million people vote for LP candidates.
LP moves it's national headquarters into the watergate office building
The Libertarian Party becomes the first third party in American history to earn ballot status in all 50 states.
The LP set a new record by running 853 candidates in 44 states.
Party founder, David Nolan, is named one of the "2,000 outstanding intellectuals" of the 20th century.
more than 200 Lebertarian candidates are on the ballots in state and local elections.
The LP celebrates its 30th anniversary.
LP saves taxpayers more than $2 billon in one day by defeating Florida's sales tax hike, and California's property saales tax hike.
Libertarian Party release the "Iraq Exit Strategy: America's Path Forward."
The LP transitioned from a member-based organization to a donor-based organization.
The LP wins two supreme cout cases; one striked down California's "blanket primary" and the other ended Indiana's random drug-search roadblocks.
More Libertarian candidates win elections in local races.