Liberal revolutions

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    Economic crisis

    The French economy between 1787 and 1788 had poor harvests, leading to food shortages, rising food prices, and unemployment.
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    The Arrival of Napoleon. Charles IV

    The reign of Carlos IV was marked by the French Revolution: -First: in 1793, Spain allied itself with some European kingdoms against the French Revolution.
    - In 1805, Spain allied itself with the French to fight against Great Britain, but in the Battle of Trafalgar, Spain lost the battle and much of its fleet.
    - In 1807, Godoy made the Treaty of Fontainebleu with the French: French troops passed through Spain to invade Portugal, which was an ally of the British.
  • Early revolution

    The king asked the States General to make a tax reform. (Nobility, Clergy and Third Estate) each had a collective vote. The reform was not done.
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    Flight to Varennes and the storming of the Tuileries

    in 1789, the king had to live in tuileries until in 1791 he decided to escape but he was caught and accused of being a traitor the constitution of the economic and social crisis intensified until 1792 that the sans coulottes stormed the Tuileries in early August.
    on the 11th, it was decided to suspend the king
  • The Tennis Court oath ( Jurement du Jeu de Peume)

    The National Assembly decrees that all the members of this assembly will immediately take a solemn decision. It is established on firm foundations.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    On July 14, 1789, the king's soldiers stormed the Bastille, a key fortification that could attack popular neighborhoods.
  • The Great Fear

    The National Assembly responded to Great Fear. On August 4, 1789 and they wanted eliminate: feudal dues, serfdom, tithes, hunting and fishing rights, and personal privileges.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Assembly collects this important document, which was inspired by the Declaration of Independence of the United States.
  • Constitution of 1791

    France became a constitutional monarchy, they established the division of powers, the representatives would be elected by census suffrage
  • The king's arrest and execution

    The king's family was arrested and the king was beheaded in January 1793
  • The Jacobins convention

    In June 1793, at the national assembly, the Jacobins defeated the Girondins. Robespierre led the national convention and the public security committee, he wanted to stamp out any opposition to the revolution, so he called for a government of terror.
  • The end of the Rule of Terror

    As much blood was shed and the reign of terror worsened, people felt that it could not go on any longer so Robespierre's enemies staged an overthrow.
    On July 27, 1794, the Reign of Terror was over and Robespierre was executed the next day.
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    The Directorate

    At the end of the French Revolution, the Directory governed France.
    this government was based on a new constitution called "Constitution of the Year III". The Directory ruled France for 4 years, November 2, 1795 to November 10, 1799
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    Rise to power

    In 1799, after leading a military expedition in Egypt, Napoleon returned to France. As the Directory was losing power, Napoleon and some allies formed a new government called the Consulate. Napoleon gave himself the title of First Consul and with that title and power he ended up being a dictator. In 1800 he created a new Constitution without separations of power and in 1804, in front of the Pope, he was crowned emperor.