Liberal Revolution Timelines

  • Abolished feudalism and approved Declaration of rights of Man and the Citizen.

    Abolished feudalism and approved Declaration of rights of Man and the Citizen.
    Recognised the rights, individual freedoms and equality of all citizens in law and taxation.
  • Financial and economic crisis.

    Financial and economic crisis.
    The financial crisis was caused by the monarchy’s lack of money. Louis XVI’s minister proposed that the privileged begin to pay taxes. The economic crisis was the result of a series of poor harvests since 1760.
  • Storming of the Bastille.

    Storming of the Bastille.
    They people of Paris supported the Assembly’s proposals and they stormed the Bastille. The revolution spread to the countryside, where nobles’ homes were burnt (the Great Fear).
  • Women’s revolution.

    Women’s revolution.
    Law authorises divorce and declares equal rights between espouses.
  • Austrian army reached Paris.

    Austrian army reached Paris.
    The Austrian army entered France and reached Paris.
  • Conservative Republic.

    Conservative Republic.
    A new Constitution (1795) granted executive power to a collegial government, know as the Directory, and restored census suffrage.
  • People in exile begin to return.

    People in exile begin to return.
    Jacobin laws were cancelled and exiles from the Reign of Terror were encouraged to return.
  • Napoleon was named consul.

    Napoleon was named consul.
    Consulate’s rule began. This was a period of autocratic and authoritarian rule.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte emperor.

    Napoleon Bonaparte emperor.
    Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor by the pope.
  • French invaded Spain.

    French invaded Spain.
    French invaded Spain and Joseph Bonaparte was made king.
  • Napoleon’s death.

    Napoleon’s death.
    Napoleon was sent into exile after the defeate to an island called Saint Elena, and he died there.
  • Democratic revolutions in France.

    Democratic revolutions in France.
    This revolution represented democratic ideals and the political importance of workers. It showed how the countries under the control of empires wanted to pursue the idea of nationalism and the creation of new liberal governments. In France, a popular uprising proclaimed the Second Republic.