Liam Ericson P.7 Religion quiz

  • 1500 BCE


    Hinduism is most dominant in India and makes up 15 percent of the world's population. Hindus believe in resurrection and continues life. The symbol related to Hinduism is the Om
  • 800 BCE


    Judaism is most dominant in Isrial it makes up .2 percent of the worlds population. They believe in one god and the god speaks to the Jew. The religious symbol associated is the star of David.
  • 610 BCE


    Islam is most domanant in the middle east it takes up 24 percent of the worlds population. They pray facing mecha and pray multiple times a day. The crecent and star is the name of the religios symbol associated with the religion.
  • 500 BCE


    Buddhism is mostly located in southeast Asia and makes up 8 percent of the world's population. they believe in suffering and rebirth they also believe in enlightenment. The symbol related to Buddhism is the Lotus flower.
  • 30


    Christianity is most dominant in the united states it also makes up 33 percent of the world population. Christians believe in one god and hell is ruled by Satin. The religious symbol associated is called the cross.
  • Period: 722 to 1492


    The Christians felt threatened that Muslims had more states than them and they wanted more land.This war took place on the Iberian peninsula. The population dramatically decreased. Ferdinand the 2nd was the one that wanted more land. The result of this conflict was 7 million people died and the Christians won.
  • Period: 1096 to 1272

    The crusades

    The Christians wanted holy land but the muslims controlled the land. They were fighting over jurrusialom in Isrial also in the middle east. The Children's crusade was a key event this is when the children wanted to help so they went on a trip to the battle but they never made it to the battle field and were never seen again 10,000 or more children were lost from this crusade. Caliph Umar was the Muslim leader that fought against the Christians. The muslims held back against the christians.
  • 1272

    The crusades

    but there economy was strengthened by the materials they brought back from Isrial.
  • Period: to

    The 30 year war

    The catholic s wanted everyone to be catholic but some prodistants rebelled the religion in play is Christianity. This war took place near prage. The white moantian was one of the biggest battle that is why it is a key event. Ferdinand the 2nd was the person turning prodistants into Catholics. The result of the conflict was The treaty of west Phalia.
  • Period: to

    The isriali Palestine conflict--- still a current issue

    Muslims and Jews wanted control of the same land. This war took place in Isrial on the Mediterranean sea. one recent event was the Muslims launched mortar attaches on Isrial. One significant individual was Ariel shanon she is on israels side. The result of this conflict was USA gave the land to the Jews.
  • Period: to

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    Russia the Christians took control over Afghanistan the muslims because they signed a treaty but Afghanistan was slipping from Russia's grip. This war took place in Afghanistan. The battle of Arghandab was an offensive attack on mujhadeen strong holds. Muhamid taraki was the man that lost control of Afghanistan. The result was it left russia poor
  • Period: to

    Syrian civil war

    The shia and Sunni were fighting because shia has more power but the majority is Sunni. This war is taking place in Syria but it is supported by different countries. Many people were at protests the government used nerve weapons on protesters. Bashar Al Assad is the president of Syria. There are 6.8 million Syrian refugees and counting.