LI 203: Midterm

  • Period: Oct 22, 1478 to Oct 22, 1535

    Thomas More

    Ascetic Catholic lawyer/writer/martyr, advisor to Henry8. Christian Humanism: humanity bettere itself through charity and spirituality - writing should reflect this. beginnings of literature and political philosophy
    Equity: flexibility in punishment (depending on motive)
  • Oct 22, 1492

    Columbus reaches the New World

    Context for Utopia - exploration, looking for this place
  • Oct 22, 1515

    Utopia Published

    At first thought to be serious? Or a joke? Book I: Problematize England Book II: Descripe Utopia Utopia: no-place.
    Eutopia: good place.
    Babel: impossible to achieve Utopia,
  • Oct 22, 1534

    PIVOT Henry 8 Act of Supremacy

    Oath of Supremacy. Declares self as head of Church of England - wants to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn More reguses - beheaded, then sainted
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII dies - Edward VI

    leaving chaos in re legitimacy of heirs and religious conflict. Edward VI is 10 yo, son of Jane Seymour. His advisors push towards greater separation of CoE and Rome
  • Oct 22, 1553

    Edward Dies - Mary Scots

    Dies at 16yo, leaving country to the Catholic Mary (Catherine's daughter)
  • Oct 22, 1558

    Mary dies -- Elizabth I

    Back to Protestantism and enlightened absolutism
  • Period: Oct 22, 1558 to

    Elizabeth I - "Golden Age" or "Enlightenment"

    Henry and Anne Boleyn, Protestant
    Absolute monarchy
    cultural flourishing
    new sense of progress and human improvement
    textiles --> industrial revolution
  • Period: Apr 24, 1564 to

    William Shakespeare

    37 Plays, Folios,
  • The True Law of Free Monarchy -James VI

    Monarchy is free from other power competition - people, clergy, etc
  • "Of the Cannibals" - Michel de Montaigne

    Source for Caliban - 16th and 17th century ideas of Native Americans
  • Elizabeth I dies -- James VI of Scotland

    No heir - James is Protestant as well - Absolute Monarch!!
    King James Bible - unpopular, pedant, assasination plots, divine right of Kings, witchcraft
  • Main Plot and Bye Plot against James VI

    Assassination attempts by Catholics
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Guy Fawkes - Catholic conspiracy
  • Strachey Letter

    true story of storms, island, - Bermuda
  • Sylvester Jourdain: A Voyage to Virginia

    Source for the Tempest
  • The Tempest Published

    Last text, Shakespeare's farewell
    Romance: “improbable, false, fanciful, full of wild scenery.” The difference between a Comedy and a Romance is a lack of slapstick and elements of the ridiculous - Samuel Johnson, Edward Dowden Themes: Power and authority, justice and mercy, reconciliation and regeneration
  • Shakespeare's First Folio published

  • James VI dies -- Charles I

  • Period: to

    Great English Migration

    214,000 people to New World, American colonies and West Indies Puritans
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    Charles I and Parliament in conflict about divine right - Parliament says power should come from the people
  • Charles I beheaded --

    captured by the Parliamentists,
  • Parliament declares Commonwealth

    Protectorate/ Republic
    Parliament takes control
  • Milton's "The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates"

    contract theory of government
    people can give and take power from ruler - consent
  • Hobbe's "Leviathan"

    text about irreversable contract with ruler
    ruler acts for all, prevents anarchy
    give up some rights for protection/safety
    --Crusoe? fear as basic nature of man
  • Oliver Cromwell sets up Protectorate

    dissolves Parliament, sets up time of religious toleration exc. Catholics
  • Charles II back in power

    screws with Cromwell's head/body
  • Period: to

    Daniel Defoe Lives

    middle class Presbyterian
    one of first British Novelists
    Realism, novel form,
    lived in a communtiy of dissenters - separation of church and state
    chose trade over ministerhood

  • London Fire

    Destroys Shakespearean documentation
  • Milton's "Paradise Lost"

    Source for Byronic Hero: SATAN
  • The Glorious Revolution

    James II replaced by William of Orange replaces Catholic King, Catholic uprisings occur
  • Battle of 1685

    Charle II's bastard tries to deseat Catholic James II - Defoe fights for James
  • Two Treatises of Government

    John Locke - social contract - responsibilities - give up some things for other thngs
  • Period: to

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    sugar, rum, slaves --- triangle trade, middle passage
  • Period: to

    The Augustans: Neoclassicism

    Emphasis on authority and coherence of individual subject
    clarity and restraint
    ornamental but not useful to people’s understanding of the world
    Pope, Swift
  • Robinson Crusoe Published

    believed to be real? first novel, realism
    character driven
    thought experiment about isolation and human nature
    spiritual autobiography
    capitalism, protestant work ethic, individualism,
  • Period: to

    William Wordsworth

    New attitude towards nature
    “The Prelude” is psychological autobiography
    poetry as center of human knowledge
    friends with Godwin, Coleridge, etc
  • Case of James Sommersett: Slavery

    habeus corpus - Lord Mansfield allows him to go free because England doesn't have a "positive law" allowing slavery in the country
  • Period: to

    American Revolutionary War

    incite French debt and revolutionary fervour
  • Kant - "What is Enlightenment"

    use human understanding to attain higher goals, independently
  • Calling of Etats Generaux

    Abbe Sieyes, want real representation, National Assembly, Tennis Court Oath
  • Bastille Day

    response to 18,000 troops in Versailles - rioting, fear, hunger, homelessness forces Louis XVI to accept National Assembly
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

    abolish Feudalism
    enlightenment hopes
  • Period: to


    passionate, rebellious, reject society - Byron, Shelley, Blake, Wordsworth - Poetry!
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    France is superpower in serious debt and with the Three Estates system - TAXES. 100,000 - 400,000 - 23.5 million
  • Period: to

    Revolution Controversy

    Price, Burke, Wollestonecraft
  • Will Wilberforce proposes bill

    fails to abolish slave trade
  • The Rights of Woman - Olympe de Gouges

  • Period: to

    Mary Shelley

    mother died in childbirth, own child died young - Frankenstein
  • September Massacres

    Violence marks beginning of the Terror
  • Period: to

    Percey Bysshe Shelley

    atheist, free love,
  • Louis XVI Executed

  • Period: to

    The Terror

    lead by Robespierre, France declares war on GB, Dutch, Spanish
    guillotine madness
    The Directory
    Revolutionary Tribunal
  • John Steadman's memoir

    illustrated by Blake - military journey, critical of slavery
  • Lyrical Ballads - Wordsworth and Coleridge

    Write about the true nature of humanity
    equalizes all men by writing their lives
    uses language of real men
  • Disincentivize slavery

    fines, slaves freed if found on ships
  • A Defence of Poetry

    universal democracy
    doctrine of the imagination
    the sublime revolution from the insides, poets as legislator
  • Death penalty for Slavery

    = piracy
  • Emancipation of Slaves

    though indentured for 5 more years
  • Marx publishes Das Capital

    feudal v industrial v mercantile capitalism -- Crusoe homo economicus
  • Frankenstein - James Wale

  • Bride of Frankenstein

  • The Tempest Film - Derek Jarman

    Creepy, The Cure, in the house, Helena Bonham Carter,
  • The Tempest Film - BBC

    high-brow, John Gorrie - passive European Miranda
  • Blade Runner

  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Branaugh

  • The Tempest Film - Julie Traymor

    Helen Mirren BEN WHISHAW