Social Movement Timeline

  • Karl Heinrich

    Karl Heinrich was the first gay man to publicly speak about homosexual rights, he had written many essays about homosexuality alongside that.
  • Roberta Cowell

    Roberta Cowell was the first ever trans women to have reassessment surgery in 1950 .
  • Achievements in the Movement

    The LGBTQ community achived many things but 2 big one were achieving anti bullying and creating hot lines for people who are having suicidal thoughts or people who don't accept themselves but maily for LGBTQ members.
  • What They Are Fighting For

    The LGBTQ has been fighing for equality like marriage equality but only gained equality around the 1990's. The homophile movement of 1950 focused on the self acceptance of people in the LGBTQ community
  • Period: to

    LGBTQ movement

  • Hand Held Calculators

    The first handheld calculator was invented by Jerry D. Merryman and James H. at Texas Instruments in 1966, but they were not yet introduced until 1970.
  • Stonewall Riots

    The Stonewall Riots consisted of the LGBTQ community fighting agaisnt the police and has caused many more riots around the world.
  • Pride Month

    The month of June has been dedicated to the LGBTQ community. A Parade in held in honor of everyone that is apart of the community, it started in 1969 and is still a present event.
  • Harvey Milk

    Harvey Milk was the first ever gay man to be elected in public office after running multiple times. He finally gained equality from the board members.
  • The Gulf War

    In the Middle East the the Gulf War is waged, from a authorized coalition force, against Iraq led by the US and the United Kingdom.
  • Ellen DeGeneres

    Ellen a very well known person associated with the LGBTQ commnity. She had came out at a young age and is now making it big with her own talk show. Also she is helping people have self acceptance for themselves.