Lewis & Clark Expedition

  • Lewis launched expedition`s boat

    location: down Ohio River to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
    weather: pleasantly fair
    contact with Native American Tribes: None
    natural resources being found or used: Ohio River
  • Lewis & Clark Meet/ Clark recruits men for the expedition

    location: Clarksville Indiana
    weather: pleasantly warm
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: Ohio Falls
  • Men discovered winter camp at Camp Dubious

    Location: near Saint Louis
    Weather: mild
    Contact with Native American Tribes: none
    Natural resources being found or used: timber
  • Leaving Camp Dubois

    location: near Saint Louis heading up Missouri River
    weather conditions: rained for part of the day with a gentle brezze and heavy rain in the afternoon
    contact with Native American tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: river
  • Lewis & Clark present gifts to representatives of the Oto & Missouri Indians

    location: Council Bluff
    weather: gentle breeze
    contact with Native American Tribes: Yes
    Natural resources being found or used: water
  • Sergeant Charles Floyd died of appenditcities

    location: along the Mississppi
    weather conditions: fair
    contact Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: Missouri River
    they found plant &
    animal species that

    were unknown
  • George Shannon elected

    location: present day Bimarck North Dakota
    weather: light breeze
    contact with native American Tribes: none
    natural resources: wood
  • Began the building of Fort Mandan for their Winter Camp

    location: Present day North Dakota
    weather: cloudy
    little snow in the morning
    contact with Native American Tribes: Yes
    natural resources being found or used: river & timber
  • Journey resumed after death of Floyd

    location: up the Missouri River
    weather conditions: fair
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: Missouri River
  • Discovering of a spring

    location: five miles below the entrance of the Yellowstone River
    weather: fair
    contact with Native American Tribes: None
    natural reosoruces being found or used: minerlas & stream
  • Reached Great Falls of the Missouri River

    location: Great Falls on the Missouri River
    weather: very hard winds
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: river
    buffalo & cows
  • Reach three forks & named them

    location: Missouri River
    weather: pleasntly warm
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    Natural resources being found or used: land,timber,mountains,elk,deer,bears
  • Entered Lolo Trail of Bitteroot Range

    location: Rocky Mountains
    weather conditions: very chilly
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: creek
  • Reached Pacific Coast

    location: Pacific Coast
    weather conditions: sunny & warm morning
    late night rain
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: Pacific Ocean
  • Building of Fort Clatstop for WInter Camp

    location: present day Oregon
    weather: showers
    contact with Narive American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: timber
  • Indain Altercation

    location: 25 miles south of Fort Clatsop
    weather: fair
    contact with Native American Tribes: Yes
    natural resources being found or used: oil & blubber
  • Beginning of homeword journey

    location: leaving Fort Clatsop going towards St. Louis
    weather: rain
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: water & outer skin
  • Reaches Mountains

    location: Bitterroot Mountains
    weather: heavy snow
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: Mountains
  • Expedition splits into two groups to find a shortcut/ Explore Louisanna Territory

    location: Louisanna Territory
    weather: pleasantly warm
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: dry timber
  • Killing of two Blackfeet Indians

    location: Louisanna Terittory
    weather: warm
    late rain
    contact with Native American Tribes: Yes
    natural resources being found or used: river
  • Two groups reunited

    location: on the Missouri river near the mouth of the Yellowstone River
    weather: rainy
    contact with Native American Tribes: they were near
    natural resources being found or used: cottonwood, sweet willow, ash, maple, cheery, goosberry, red willow,vining and whiteburry honeysuckle,huckleburry & moutain holly
  • Expedition arrives back home

    location: Saint Louis Missouri
    weather: pleasantly fair
    contact with Native American Tribes: none
    natural resources being found or used: river