Lewis and clark

Lewis & Clark

  • William Clark is born.

    William Clark is born.
  • Meriwether Lewis is born.

    Meriwether Lewis is born.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson is elected as president.
  • New Secretary

    Jefferson asks Lewis to be his private secretary.
  • Commander of Expedition

    Lewis is chosen by Jefferson to be the commander of the expedition.
  • Co-Commander

    Lewis asks William Clark to assist him on the expedition as the co-commander; he accepts the position.
  • Expedition begins

    Expedition begins
    They began their journey near St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Charbonneau and Sacagawea

    Charbonneau and Sacagawea
    Toussaint Charbonneau, a French Canadian fur trapper, and his wife, Sacagawea, a Shoshone who had been captured by the Hidatsas and sold to Charbonneau, are hired as an interpreters for the expediton to assure tribes that the Corps of Discovery come with peace.
  • Missouri

    In June of 1805, the Corps of Discovery reach Missouri and believe they found the Pacific Ocean but are actually over 20 miles away.
  • Judith River

    Judith River
    On this day, William Clark names a river he found in Missouri after Julia Hancock whom he wishes to marry.
  • Chief Cameahwait

    Chief Cameahwait
    The expedition discover a Shoshone village and ask for horses. The Shoshone chief, Chief Cameahwait, happened to be Sacagawea's brother.
  • The Pacific

    The Pacific
    After a year and a half of when they believed they found the route to the ocean, The Corps of Discovery finally reach the Pacific.
  • Meriwether Lewis dies

    Lewis died at an inn near Nashville, Tennessee where he had been on his way to Washington, D.C. His death is unknown but most historians believe he committed suicide.
  • William Clark dies

    He died married to Julia Hancock who he had named a river while on the expedition.