Standoff with the Teton Sioux
The Teton Sioux greeted Lewis and Clark with gifts such as a medal, a military coat, and a cocked hat. A Teton cheif priced the passage with a boat. The Indians beome threatening, which made Lewis and Clark fight back. They failed following Jefferson's request to become friendly with the Sioux. They created a future enemy. -
Silvery Buffaloberry
The Silvery Buffaloberry was found on Sept. 4th in 1804. It is usually found in river bottoms, ditches, or meadows. It is described as a shrub or small tree with silvery, scaly leaves, twigs, and berries. -
Prarie Sharp Tailed Grouse
The Prarie Sharp Tailed Grouse was first found on Sept. 12th, 1804.nthey usually live in grasslands, scrub forests, or arid sagebrush. They have short and pointed tails and white outer tail feathers. -
Desert Cottontail
The Desert Cottontail was found on Sept.15th, in 1804. It is usually found in grasslands. The Cottontail is brown above and white underneath. -
Black Billed Magpie
The Black-Billed Magpie was first found in 1804 on Sept, 16th. It usuallly lives in open woodlands, savannas, brush-covered country, streamside growth. They have a large black and white birf with long tail and dark bill. Four live magpies were sent to Jefferson from Fort Mandan in April 1805. -
Mule Deer
The Mule Deer was found on Sept.17th, in 1804. Lewis and Clark officially named this animal. They are usually found in forest edges or mountains. The Mule Deer is medium sized, with long slim sturdy legs. -
This specimen known s the coyote was first noted in the expediton in 1804. It is usually found in the West in open plains, or in the East in brushy areas. They are grizzled gray or orangish grey, with buff underparts. Their legs are long, rusty, or sometimes yellowish. Their tails are bushy with a black tip. They are not very large animals, a large individual may only reach about 55 pounds. These animlas are also known as prarie dogs, due to Lewis and Clark. -
Broom Snakeweed
The Broom Snakeweed was found on Sept.19th, in 1804. Usually found in deserts or on plains. This plant treated snake bites. The Broom Snakeweed has many skinny green branches with yellow flower heads. -
Aromatic Aster
The Aromatic Aster was first found on Sept. 21st, in 1804. These flowers are usually found in dry praries or open sites. Aromatic Asters are pink or lavender with a yellow inside. -
Four-Wing Saltbush
The Four-Wing Saltbush was found on Sept.21st, in 1804. It is toxic to livestock . Also, it is found in dry areas. The Saltbush is compact and rounded and greenish.