Lewis and Clark Expedition Charlie Gravina

  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • The Journy Begins

    William Clark and four dozen others met up with Meriwhether Lewis on May 20. They begin their journey going up the Missisiippi, always keeping an eye out of Indians.
  • Heading into Danger

    Oto and Missouri Indians arrive at camp. The first encounter went well but it would be difficult to become friends with the second tribe. Sergent Charles Floyd became first soldier to die west of the Mississippi on Augest 20. The Indian tribe did not like the explorer's gifts nd warned them about encountering something dangerous upriver.
  • Standoff With the Teton Sioux

    Teton Sioux did not enjoy the gifts, instead they demanded one of their boats. The indians threatened them. Just before firghting could start, both sides pulled back. They continued up the river, scared by the enemies behind them and the unknown ahead.
  • Racing Against Winter's Approach

    Lewis and Clark reached the Mandan Tribe's villages 4 days before snowfall. They began to build shelter defendign them from the cold and their enemy Indians. Food supply was declining and they were desperate to find food for the men.
  • Winter among the mandan `

    During the winter the men kept busy by trading, fixing weapons, and hunting. They hired an interpreter named Toussaint Charbonneau and hiw wife and children, Sacagawea and Jean Baptiste, to travel with them when they left Fort Mandan. Lewis and Clark passed time by writing about what they saw during their exploration so far.
  • Into Grizzly Counrty

    Lewis and Clark headed west in their preferred direction for the first time. On April 29th, they spotted two bears. One of them was wounded and the other one chased Lewis for 80 yards before someone could kill the bear.
  • Rockies in Sight

    In early May, Sacajawea saved a bunch of presious journals from a sinking boat. In the last week of May, Lewis and Clark saw the Rocky Mountains for the first time. They were both happy but then reminded of the tons of more land that need to be explored. The explorers were eager to reach the mountains but were slowed down by the rough terrain.
  • A Fork In the River

    The June 3, the captains met a fork in the river. Some believed that the western path would lead them to the Rokies, which they hoped to cross before the autumn snows. Others thought that the Northern Branch was the right choice. Lewis decided to take three men up north with him to find the Great Falls which the Mandan Indians assured them that they would find.
  • Around the Great Falls

    Lewis became the first white man to the see the Great Falls of the Missouri RIver on June 3. They came to realize that portaging through the falls would be much more difficult because the falls were 5 different falls. Lewis had rejoined Clark by June 16. It would take more than a month to get around the great falls and the next stretch of navigable water
  • Toward the Continental DIvide

    After the explorers crossed the Continental Line, they were able to ride the Columbia RIver. Since the job required hroses, they seeked the Shoshone tribe. The Hidasta told Lewis and Clark that would meet up with the Shoshone tribe but they have not encountered the tribe one yet