Lewis And Clark

By 39735
  • Lewis exploered the motion

    the king Jeffersn sended him to explored the motions because he trusted Lewis to be the right onr and to thak more man to halp him.
  • Louisianas Purchase

    That when Lewis and Clark and the45 man that he took they got the on july 4 of 1803 that was the first place they got to first and they got stuck and the 45 man pulled the both and they got it out.
  • Lewis and Clark set off

    Lweis and Clark set off togater so Lewis wont go alone and because Clark was smart and he was also his friend too.
  • Reaches thr great fall

    Reaches thr great fall
    On that eday they reach the great fall of the missouri that means that all his 45 man got there safe and by the why on agust 20 1804 sant flody dies on there way.
  • Return to Explorer

    Lewis and Clark went to explorer reunion piont again they did't found any thinh so they went back.Then in August14 1806 they reaches Mandan town again.