Lewis And Clark

  • Heading into Danger?

    Heading into Danger?
    The people on the expedition meet with native tribes. Some of them are more peacful than others. The first man dies, Charles Floyed it is predicted that it was a result of appendicitis.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • First Winter

    First Winter
    The men on the expedition expiernce their first Winter. Thye have made it to the Mandan tribe's village and begin to build a fort there. The fort was for protection against the cold and the violent Sioux tribe who was following them after their encounter earlier in the year.
  • Leaving the Mandan

    Leaving the Mandan
    Lewis, Clark, and Sacagewa had finally left the Manddan tribe. Thye have recorded numerois new things they expierenced there, including 108 botanical speciemens. Also, 12 memebers of the team were dispatched.
  • Bears!

    After the large expedition group had left the tribe, they finally began heading West. They were warnmed of bears, and did not really regard it until Lewis was chased for 80 yards!
  • Great Falls

    Great Falls
    After Lewis and Clark had split up, Lewis became the first person to see the Great Falls. There are 5 contrary to what a native to the Mandan tribe had said.
  • Small Set-Backs

    Small Set-Backs
    In order to finish a leg of a portion of the journey, the men needed horses. They were told by the Mandan that there would be a man with plentiful horses for them, however none was found at the moment.
  • The Pacific

    The Pacific
    Lewis and Clark, and their crew had finally reacehd the Pacific in late November, and jope for a ship to bring them home was finally real.
  • Time is of The Essence

    Time is of The Essence
    The crew is beginning to plan the journey home. However, if planned incorectly, they may have to spend another winter on the mountains. With the large crew longing for home, time is definitley of the essence. The squirrel was also discovered at this time.
  • Farewell

    Lewis and Clark meet up with the Mandan and freidnly Sioux tribes. They saw farewell to their old friends and those who had helped and are finally closer to home than they have been in over two years.
  • Home!

    The group of men who have been travelling for over 2 years are finally home. It was believed that they had died on the journey, since it was so long, However, they were greeted by thousnds of people from theur homeland.